I installed Postfix (latest from OpenPKG 2.4 updates) on a HPUX 11.00 box and copied over the main.cf from a working RHEL 3.0 machine. I'm running into problems creating any of the .db files required to get things started - aliases.db, access.db, virtual.db. For some reason postmap thinks I'm using dbm instead of hash:

(from postmap -v aliases)
postmap: dict_eval: const  mail
postmap: dict_eval: const  ipv4
postmap: name_mask: ipv4
postmap: dict_eval: const  xxx
postmap: dict_eval: const  xxx
postmap: dict_eval: const  Postfix
postmap: dict_eval: const  postfix
postmap: dict_eval: const  opkg
postmap: dict_eval: const  opkg-r
postmap: dict_eval: const
postmap: dict_eval: const  xxx
postmap: dict_eval: const  xxx
postmap: dict_eval: const  /openpkg/libexec/postfix
postmap: dict_eval: const  /openpkg/sbin
postmap: dict_eval: const  /openpkg/var/postfix
postmap: dict_eval: const  pid
postmap: dict_eval: const
postmap: dict_eval: const
postmap: dict_eval: const  double-bounce
postmap: dict_eval: const  opkg-n
postmap: dict_eval: const  hash:/openpkg/etc/postfix/aliases
postmap: dict_eval: const  20050428
postmap: dict_eval: const  2.2.3
postmap: dict_eval: const  dbm >>> why???
>>> cut <<<

On the RHEL box this returns hash, as expected.

#   paths
command_directory             = /openpkg/sbin
daemon_directory              = /openpkg/libexec/postfix
queue_directory               = /openpkg/var/postfix
sendmail_path                 = /openpkg/sbin/sendmail
newaliases_path               = /openpkg/sbin/newaliases
mailq_path                    = /openpkg/sbin/mailq

#   users
mail_owner                    = opkg
setgid_group                  = opkg-r
default_privs                 = opkg-n

#   local host
mydomain                      = xxx
myorigin                      = xxx

#   smtp daemon
#smtpd_banner                 = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name
inet_interfaces               =

#   smtp client
#smtp_bind_address             =

#   relaying
#mynetworks                    =
relayhost                     = xxx
mydestination                 =

#   maps
virtual_alias_maps            = hash:/openpkg/etc/postfix/virtual
alias_maps                    = hash:/openpkg/etc/postfix/aliases
alias_database                = hash:/openpkg/etc/postfix/aliases

#   local delivery
recipient_delimiter           = +
mailbox_command               = /openpkg/bin/procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
append_dot_mydomain           = no
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