Doug Summers wrote:
I thought I was having issues with Postfix but it turns out that DB is the problem. I've tried recompiling with the --define="with_compat yes" switch but it doesn't help. Here is output from 'db_stat -d /openpkg/etc/postfix/aliases.db':

(on solaris 9)
61561   Hash magic number
8       Hash version number
Big-endian      Byte order
8192    Underlying database page size
0       Specified fill factor
51      Number of keys in the database
51      Number of data items in the database
2       Number of hash buckets
14928   Number of bytes free on bucket pages (8% ff)
0       Number of overflow pages
0       Number of bytes free in overflow pages (0% ff)
0       Number of bucket overflow pages
0       Number of bytes free in bucket overflow pages (0% ff)
0       Number of duplicate pages
0       Number of bytes free in duplicate pages (0% ff)
0       Number of pages on the free list

(on hpux 11.00/32)
db_stat: __db_tas_mutex_init: mutex not appropriately aligned
db_stat: PANIC: Invalid argument
db_stat: PANIC: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery
db_stat: DB_ENV->open: DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery

This is causing both postfix & cfengine to fail on startup.
The OpenPKG Project                          
User Communication List            

I removed the "--with-mutex=" line and it worked, although the section that sets it doesn't look wrong. After reinstalling db and rebuilding postfix, postfix now works. I'm rebuilding cfengine now but I'm sure it will be OK as well.

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