Just to follow up my own post a little.

Simon J Mudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So removing libiconv makes gcc "work".  I am now compiling bind9 again
> it it looks like it will complete.

It does.

> Can someone explain why installing libiconv makes gcc fail, and does
> this mean that the AIX port needs to be built in a specific order,
> perhaps with specific options in order to avoid problems like this
> happening again?

Does this make libiconv like binutils, a OpenPKG rpm which can not be
used (at least if you use the gcc compiler).  I can compile libiconv
and certain packages require it. Doug was using IBM's compiler so
perhaps was able to compile packages requiring libiconv using that and
did not notice the problem it caused with gcc.

Still confused. I think I'll go and see if Google has any ideas.

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