On Wed, Aug 10, 2005, Doug Henry wrote:

> what is the procedure for extracting and re-assembling the bootstrap 
> package? I would like to experiment with adding in a few patches and then 
> making a new bootstrap script.

Oh, my. It's a long time ago that i did this, ...

With an existing instance one can do

  openpkg rpm -i /path/to/openpkg-<ver>-<rel>.src.rpm
  cd %prefix/RPM/SRC/openpkg
  openpkg rpm -bb openpkg.spec
  # until here it is like for every other package
  # but then you can do:
  ./openpkg-boot -s
  # that gives you an new openpkg-<ver>-<rel>.src.sh

On a "clean" machine, ... Well, let me try this on a Octane :)
I do this during idle time - so do not expect too much. But Ralf is
on vaccation and i do not know whether someone else will pick this
(interesting) thing up.

- first, let's extract and unpack the tar archive:

  mkdir /some/tmp
  cd /some/tmp
  sh /path/to/openpkg-<ver>-<rel>.src.sh -t | tar xvf -

- The build dir is /tmp/openpkg-<ver>. One has to set the environment
  variable TMPDIR to change this.
  To start the build:

  cd /some/tmp
  ./openpkg.boot --prefix=/openpkg --user=openpkg --group=openpkg \
                                                      2>&1 | tee log
  I would not use the prefix /usr/freeware, btw.

- more log # :(

- One can go to /tmp/openpkg-<ver>/<failed-pkg> and try some fix+make
  cycles until it works.
  Under /tmp (or $TMPDIR) there are the scripts openpkg.boot.prolog.sh
  and openpkg.boot.build.sh. I would hack openpkg.boot.build.sh, so that
  it continues where it bailed out.


Matthias Kurz; Fuldastr. 3; D-28199 Bremen; VOICE +49 421 53 600 47
  >> Im prämotorischen Cortex kann jeder ein Held sein. (bdw) <<
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