Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

   The latest "binutils" package now builds without as(1), ld(1) and
   strip(1) now under Darwin / Mac OS X. In case those three tools are
   the major problem makers under Mac OS X this now could solve the
   issue. Just install "binutils" and "gcc" the regular way and see
   whether a package which requires "gcc" now really builds fine and
   also _WORKS_ under run-time.

The GCC build is hanging now for me, on Mac OS X...
This is because it's trying to use GNU long options:

+ ld --version
+ grep '^GNU ld '
+ as --version
+ grep '^GNU assembler '

Here's the output when you run the tools directly:

$ ld --version
ld: unknown flag: --version
$ as --version
/usr/libexec/gcc/darwin/i386/as: I don't understand '-' flag!
Apple Computer, Inc. version cctools-622.5.obj~13, GNU assembler version 1.38
^CInterrupted by signal 2

So the assembler is waiting for input, until terminated.
as(1): "If no files are specified, as reads from stdin."

The virtual package approach is probably the easiest...


The option to display the version number is otherwise -v:
(Mac OS X like other BSDs doesn't always do long options)

ld -v
as -v </dev/null

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