@ all,
We’re trying to setup an openldap environment together with sasl, kerberos, DB 
and openldap based with openpkg… well; there is no problem to build the 
Situation: when I only use openldap, everything is working fine… when I use 
openldap together with sasl, Kerberos, then the openldap creates core files 
(problem with the libraries)…
So my question is… is there someone which did more or less with the same 
environment based with openpkg… is there a special way to compile… or are there 
other things which are missing may be on my side…
my environment is;
-          Solaris10 / SPARC
-          db-
-          openldap-2.4.11
-          kerberos-1.6.3
-          sasl-2.1.22
Thanks for a small feedback…

  • openldap markus.fluecki...@bluewin.ch

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