> I checked suPHP 0.7.0: the Autoconf options which we used under
> apache-suphp::with_suphp_ugid_check=no for 0.6.0 are still documented
> in the doc/INSTALL but are not longer implemented. And even the code
> seems to be no longer have any conditionals for ignoring those lookup
> failures. I guess the author of suPHP completely removed this whole
> functionality because it has looked not reasonable to him. So, sorry,
> suPHP 0.7.0 no longer seems to contain this functionality.

Thanks for your help.

> PS: I'm just curious: why can your users not looked up? Aren't they
>     in the system password database or at least NIS?

I use only virtual users in an OpenLDAP directory.

They have username, password, email-address (alias) and for historical
reasons they have a (synthetic) userid.

The userid was necessary for quota management but isn't really used
anymore. To overcome the limitations of PHP's safe_mode, some ancient
applications use suphp and filesystem access control.

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