
Am Montag, 21. September 2009 21:41:11 schrieb Ralf S. Engelschall:
> No, OpenPKG certainly is not fading away. We were just too busy with
> other earn-a-living jobs and OpenPKG 4.0 was still not ready until
> recently. Hence we kept the websites around until we have something
> new. Now that OpenPKG 4.0 is stable and already working on lots of
> production servers, it will be officially released soon -- together with
> a new website.

thanks for the update!
I was almost close to asking the same question. :)
Is there something that we (as in the community) could help with?

> That the last official bootstrap is from 2007-12-27 was 
> intentionally, as this was the last time we updated the old RPM 4 based
> bootstrap. Since this time we worked on the RPM 5 based one for OpenPKG
> 4.0.

Congrats also on the article in c't 20/2009!

For all others: The c't is a reputated computer german magazine and Ralf wrote
an article about package management which basically is about rpm5 and its use 
in OpenPKG:

Erweiterter Paketversand
Neue Funktionen in RPM 5 nutzen
RPM 5, Fork und inoffizieller Nachfolger des RPM Package Manager, wirft eine 
ganze Menge Ballast ab und und bringt ein Bündel neuer Funktionen mit. So ist 
RPM 5 plattformunabhängig und unterstützt das Verwalten und Erstellen ganzer 
Schlagwörter: Softwareverwaltung, Softwareverteilung, RPM Package Manager 
Pages 184ff


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