This is a series of 4 patches. It is all or nothing. I sent out v2 for patch 1 
after Surya’s comments.
So is this an ack for the complete series?

From: A V Mahesh [mailto:mahesh.va...@oracle.com]
Sent: den 16 maj 2014 03:51
To: Hans Feldt; Hans Feldt
Cc: opensaf-devel@lists.sourceforge.net; Suryanarayana Garlapati
Subject: Re: [devel] [PATCH 3 of 4] mds: use TIPC segmentation/reassembly [#654]
Importance: High

Hi Hans ,

ACK from me for your published patch , please go-ahead and push the patch as it 

I discussion/syncdup with Surya,  following are the summary points :

By default MDS does FULL encode/decode between  different nodes (inter-node 
communication), also the behavior is same when the MDS messaging happens 
between 32-bit and 64-bit processes. your published  Patch: #654 is not 
impacting any of these default functionality .

Even though MDS is providing a compile time flag called "mds_arch", when this 
flag is set explicitly to the same value on different nodes, then only MDS 
messaging across nodes will happen with FLAT encode/decode routines, but most  
of the OpenSAF services (mds application)  are still doing  FULL encode/decode 
even when the MDS is triggered FLAT encode/decode callbacks ( Middle ware 
applications are not using advantage of "mds_arch" ).

Till now none of the OpenSAF user are using the 'mds_arch' field and all are 
going with the MDS default settings. So they are NO  impacts of deprecating 
"mds_arch" and considering that for versions.

On 5/7/2014 12:20 PM, SuryaNarayana Garlapati wrote:
Here goes the solution.
There is a 8 bit field in each message that is being exchanged between the 
services (which contains the message priority, mds prot_ver(mds protocol and 
mds version)) when message send is attempted. 6 bits are allocated for the mds 
prot_ver, present value for this field is 0xA8. This field can be used for 
versioning(and intended for this type of changes in MDS). This version can be 
dynamically learnt for a destination, when the first message is received from 
that destination and is stored in the Subscription result table. MDS prot_ver 
value will be changed in this release. So we can identify the old and new ones. 
If the destination is an old one, we will send with the old logic and if its a 
new one we will send with the bigger message.

There is other solution, but this includes quite code changes. For example, In 
each node bind a new type say X and in each process subscribe for this  X. When 
we get up this means, it indicates a new node and messaging is with bigger size 
else the normal one. Only a single extra bind is done for a node.

There is one more solution, but it breaks the inservice upgradabilty, where in 
which the vdest id range is decreased.


On Wednesday 07 May 2014 08:44 AM, A V Mahesh wrote:


Thank for reiterating  arch_word of the MDS feature ,we all in sync.

On 5/6/2014 3:55 PM, SuryaNarayana Garlapati wrote:

MDS version unless we get alternate bits/variables used for  MDS version.
[Surya] Thats the reason i am asking for some time.

[AVM] If we get some alternate bits/variables used for  MDS version this will 
the best Option
            and we can retain arch_word MDS feature.

On 5/6/2014 3:55 PM, SuryaNarayana Garlapati wrote:

6)  This  current patch Honors  the default Opensaf configuration ` mds_arch=0` 
 behavior ( point 1 & 2 ) and it removed
      hidden  `same arc message optimization`  feature related code and used  
those  3bits/variable for the purpose of  MDS version.
[Surya] Current patch has still problems. I am repeating the same, but for your 
convenience, they are listed below.
1. Its taking out MDS optimization feature for the performance enhancement of 
the messaging.

[AVM] we all in sync on this , now we are at the point  whether we should 
expose this or not to OpenSAF users?

2. 64 bit and 32 bit combination will not work on the local node as it is doing 
flat encode which is wrong.

[AVM] The current patch do  ENC_TYPE_FULL for mixed 32/64 bit clients on the 
same Node.


On 5/6/2014 3:55 PM, SuryaNarayana Garlapati wrote:

Before going ahead, Following is the explanation for the arch_word of the MDS.

Arch word(4bits) is combination of architecture and bit size of the machine. 3 
bits are allocated
for architecture and 1 bit is allocated for bit size.
architecture of value 0 means unspecified.

Message encoding is done as follows:
1. If the source and destination of the message is same process, then copy 
callback is called.
2. If source and destination arch_word are same,
then encode flat is called.

But there are some exceptions here,

Say there are two nodes, A(Intel) and B(Powerpc) communicating with each other 
and are 64 bit each and
opensaf code was compiled without giving any mds_arch input. In this case 
mds_arch is set to default 0.
So as per the rule, encode flat callback should be called. But in this case if 
the flat encode is called, then
the communication between A and B will not work as one is little endian and 
other is big endian.
For handling this type of situations where the mds_arch is unspecified, mds 
checks for the mds_arch
and if it is set to 0, MDS will call the encode full such that the 
communication will work between the nodes
as the message is fully encoded.

Encode flat will also be called if the source and destination are on the same 
node and arch_word is same.

3. If source and destination arch_word are different, then encode full is 
called. In this case the source and destination
can be on the same or different node.

On Tuesday 06 May 2014 09:05 AM, A V Mahesh wrote:

Hi All,

I re-verified the behavior of OpenSAF MDS_ENC_TYPE_FULL/MDS_ENC_TYPE_FLAT 
and its optimization , following is my observation and option:

1)  In the default OpenSAF  configuration (` mds_arch=0` ) , messaging across 
the node is  ENC_TYPE_FULL and
     messaging with-in the node is ENC_TYPE_FLAT  .
[Surya] See the explanation in point 2 and point 3.

2)  Even though Opensaf  is configured with default `mds_arch=0`, if their is 
difference of  32--bit application communicating to 64-bit   middle-ware
     ( mixed 32/64 bit clients on the same Node),  messaging with-in  the node  
is also ENC_TYPE_FULL.
[Surya] See the explanation in point 3.

3)  when OpenSAF  is configured with `mds_arch=1... to 7` messaging across  & 
with-in the node  is ENC_TYPE_FLAT  ,
    hear we have advantage of  message optimization , only when explicitly 
enabling this  configuration .
[Surya] See the exception explanation in point 2. MDS was always designed to 
have this optimization a long time. It was just the
build system was not using it.

4)  Unfortunate the same arc message optimization feature  got broken in few 
services such as RDE & PLM
    doesn't support ENC_TYPE_FLAT , we need fix these issue along with 
in-service upgrade  to make it work properly .
[Surya] Optimization feature is triggered by MDS. RDE & PLM are missing the 
implementation for this callbacks.

5)  One more important note is that  the `same arc message optimization` 
feature was not exposed  to OpenSAF user till now.
[Surya] It was always present in the confiure. Its just that, it was not used 
any time and default option was choosed for the mds_arch.

6)  This  current patch Honors  the default Opensaf configuration ` mds_arch=0` 
 behavior ( point 1 & 2 ) and it removed
      hidden  `same arc message optimization`  feature related code and used  
those  3bits/variable for the purpose of  MDS version.
[Surya] Current patch has still problems. I am repeating the same, but for your 
convenience, they are listed below.
1. Its taking out MDS optimization feature for the performance enhancement of 
the messaging.
2. 64 bit and 32 bit combination will not work on the local node as it is doing 
flat encode which is wrong.

So I agree with Hans and let us not regressed for Un exposed feature ,
[Surya] Feature is present, the only thing is it was not used.

and we will use the ARCHTYPE 3 bits for
 MDS version unless we get alternate bits/variables used for MDS version.
[Surya] Thats the reason i am asking for some time.

I also NOT much in favor of little bit expensive
`new Node install & subscribe its Mds version` (My previously published 

So following are current options :

  - Use ARCHTYPE 3 bits for  MDS version and discard un exposed feature ( 
`mds_arch` config option)

  - Find out alter native bits for MDS version fix all the ENC_TYPE_FLAT issue 
with in-service upgrade
    and expose `same arc message optimization` feature to OpenSAF users.

  - Use `new Node install & subscribe` option for Mds version (My previously 
published approach) and fix
    all the  ENC_TYPE_FLAT issue with in-service upgrade and expose `same arc 
message optimization`
    feature to OpenSAF users.


On 5/1/2014 2:45 PM, SuryaNarayana Garlapati wrote:

On Thursday 01 May 2014 02:30 PM, Hans Feldt wrote:

Let's be clear that MDS a pure internal opensaf service since quite a long 
time. There are no "applications" to consider at all. This means the only thing 
to care about is in-service performance and making sure characteristics are 
improved, not regressed.
[Surya] I am saying in the context of internal messaging between the services 
which use MDS. Yes, thats what even i am trying to.

I am not sure we have to maintain some legacy requirement of mixed 32/64 bit 
clients on the same system. I don't see why we should.
[Surya] This is not limited to even 32/64 bit. Its how the encoding is handled 
for the destinations.


-----Original Message-----
From: SuryaNarayana Garlapati [mailto:suryanarayana.garlap...@oracle.com]
Sent: den 1 maj 2014 10:54
To: A V Mahesh
Subject: Re: [devel] [PATCH 3 of 4] mds: use TIPC segmentation/reassembly [#654]

On Thursday 01 May 2014 01:04 PM, A V Mahesh wrote:

On 5/1/2014 10:16 AM, SuryaNarayana Garlapati wrote:

The archtype is not a legacy one, it was introduced to have the
optimization for the message encoding by the applications.
Passing compile flags `mds_arch=1`  `mds_arch=2` (mds_arch, [The
arch-type input to MDS - valid values 1-7]) , is not a standard
Open-Source ( enterprise things for legacy product ) option for
[Surya] Wrong, if you see any standard linux configure options for any
linux application code distributions, they do provide the options for
supporting the options to provide such powerpc, intel, 32/64bit etc. So
similar is the configure options for opensaf as well. For example you
can see the configure options for the net-snmp as well.

Open source user not need to Understand/get-Educate  about this
internal options ,
[Surya] This is not a internal option, configure option which is exposed
to user as well.

we are ok loose advantage of flat encode optimization ,
from now we want to send full_encode to different node.
[Surya] This is not only done for optimization, this internally effects
the message performance between the opensaf services which do huge
I am on way of thinking the solution for this. Lets wait.

We are also raising enhancement ticket for  code clean.


On 5/1/2014 10:16 AM, SuryaNarayana Garlapati wrote:

On Thursday 01 May 2014 09:56 AM, A V Mahesh wrote:

Hi Surya,

On 5/1/2014 7:28 AM, Suryanarayana Garlapati wrote:

MDS ARCHWORD is used for deciding the factor whether the message
which is being sent to the destination should be encoded
full/flat/copied. This
bits were introduced to do a optimization in the way the callbacks
encode full/flat are called. For example, if there are two
processes(can be present in the same node or different node) and
there architecture and bit size is same, so in this case, the
encode flat can be called (or simply a flat copy of the message can
be done in the UB). If these bits were not used, earlier the
messages was being full encoded when the messages were sent to
another node. At the same time, the arch field is given in the
configure such that this can be used for different architectures
such as the powerpc, etc.
      “ARCHTYPE”  is getting only used while cross-compiling, and to
distinguish architecture flavors:  x86,
       PowerPC, m68k ,ect .
In the code "arch_word" is used while encoding whether to do

       Keeping  “ARCHTYPE” doesn't have any significance in current
Open-sourced Opnesaf code ,
[Surya] This is provided to accommodate different architectures and
is a build option which optimizes the applications way of message
encoding(full/flat) and corresponding decode(full/flat).
So that means, you want to remove this support and introduce the over
head again. One more thing, with the new changes if you have two
nodes one with powerpc and intel, both will not be able to communicate
each other as both will result in flat encode/flat decode(as the
value is one with the latest changes).

why because  In the current MDS messaging we do full encoded when
the messages were sent to another process/node, irrelevant of
[Surya] Wrong, the decision is done always on the archword only.

       I already verified cross 32/64  middle-ware & application
combination , all the fowls are working fine .
[Surya] As you said this might work, but you are loosing the
optimization and would always result in full encode/full decode of
application messages which is an overhead.

I am thinking of a solution for this and will get back to you.
[AVM] we already have an alternative option of new node do install
& subscribe its Node Mds version, to handle in-service Upgrade ,
             but we used legacy “ARCHTYPE” 3 bits for Mds version
which is optimized solution then install & subscribe.
[Surya] Thats what we had discussed before as well. The archtype is
not a legacy one, it was introduced to have the optimization for the
message encoding by the applications.



----- Original Message -----
From: osafde...@gmail.com<mailto:osafde...@gmail.com>
To: mahesh.va...@oracle.com<mailto:mahesh.va...@oracle.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 10:58:53 AM GMT +05:30 Chennai,
Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
Subject: [devel] [PATCH 3 of 4] mds: use TIPC
segmentation/reassembly [#654]

   configure.ac                          |  21 ---------------------
   osaf/libs/core/mds/Makefile.am        |   1 -
   osaf/libs/core/mds/include/mds_dt2c.h |  17 ++++++++---------
   osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_c_sndrcv.c     |  14 +++++---------
   osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_dt_tipc.c      |  11 ++++++++++-
   osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_log.c          |   4 ++--
   6 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

TIPC supports sending message with a maximum length of 66000 bytes.
MDS supports
sending even bigger messages, upto ~46Mb. MDS has used an internal
of just 1400 bytes (MDTM_NORMAL_MSG_FRAG_SIZE) despite that the
receive buffer
is 8000 bytes (MDS_DIRECT_BUF_MAXSIZE)

This patch changes MDS to use TIPC segmentation/reassembly. This
gives benefits
such as secure transmission (TIPC does retransmission). TIPC send
congestion is
reduced since TIPC counts messages not bytes. Less processing done
in user
space in the sending opensaf or client process.

Since the receive buffer of older MDS cores is limited to 8000
bytes we have be
sure not to send larger messages than that to older cores.
Otherwise we have
problems with in-service upgradeability.

Each MDS TIPC port is bound to a functional address - a port name.
The port name
consists of 32 bit type and 32 bit instance. The 4 msb of the
instance word
contains the so called "archword" field. The msb indicates if this
MDS core is
32 or 64 bit. The remaining 3 bits is now used as a version field.
Version 0 is
used by older versions of MDS, version 1 is now used to indicate
the capability
for longer fragmentation.

This information is part of the published port name thus a
subscriber will
get them using the TIPC discovery service. These bits are ignored
by old MDS
cores, so it can receive messages from a new MDS core. When sending
a message
this bit is used to understand if the peer uses TIPC
(or not) and adapt the limit accordingly.

The possibility to set mds_arch using configure has been removed.

The change is in-service compliant and can be upgraded into a system.

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -470,27 +470,6 @@ if test "$enable_java" = no; then
-# MDS ARCH TYPE: MDS advises message encode/decode
-# optimization to its clients if the sender and receiver
-# are of "compatible-type". For this optimization to work,
-# the sender's platform and receiver's platform should be
-# similar (for e.g. both PowerPC) and use an libncs_core built
-# with the same value for "mds_arch". An "mds_arch" value of 0
-# is the default value and stands for a platform which is NOT
-# compatible with any platform.
-AC_ARG_VAR([mds_arch], [The arch-type input to MDS - valid values
-if test "$mds_arch" = ""; then
-        mdsarchtype=0
-        mdsarchtype=$mds_arch
   # Checks for libraries.
   PKG_CHECK_MODULES([XML2], [libxml-2.0])
diff --git a/osaf/libs/core/mds/Makefile.am
--- a/osaf/libs/core/mds/Makefile.am
+++ b/osaf/libs/core/mds/Makefile.am
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ SUBDIRS = include
   noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libmds.la
     libmds_la_CPPFLAGS = \
     libmds_la_LDFLAGS = -static
diff --git a/osaf/libs/core/mds/include/mds_dt2c.h
--- a/osaf/libs/core/mds/include/mds_dt2c.h
+++ b/osaf/libs/core/mds/include/mds_dt2c.h
@@ -33,17 +33,16 @@
     typedef uint8_t MDS_SVC_ARCHWORD_TYPE; /*MDS app-svc arch
and word_size combination */
   -/* MDS_WORD_SIZE_TYPE and MDS_ARCH_TYPE are compile-time macros */
-#ifndef MDS_ARCH_TYPE
-#define MDS_ARCH_TYPE 0        /* Stands for unspecified
architecture type */
-#elif (MDS_ARCH_TYPE > 7)
-#error MDS_ARCH_TYPE should be in the range 0 to 7.
   #define MDS_WORD_SIZE_TYPE ((sizeof(long)/4) - 1)    /* 0 for
32-bit, 1 for 64-bit */
+ * 4 bit ARCHWORD usage:
+ * Bit 3 is wordsize
+ * Bit 2:0 is a version field indicating capabilities.
+ *    Version 0 uses 1400 bytes fragmentation.
+ *    Version 1 uses TIPC max msg (66000 bytes) fragmentation.
+ */
((MDS_WORD_SIZE_TYPE<<3) | 1))
     typedef enum {
diff --git a/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_c_sndrcv.c
--- a/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_c_sndrcv.c
+++ b/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_c_sndrcv.c
@@ -1483,10 +1483,10 @@ static uint32_t mcm_msg_encode_full_or_f
       msg_send.dest_pwe_id =
       msg_send.dest_vdest_id = dest_vdest_id;
       msg_send.src_svc_sub_part_ver = svc_cb->svc_sub_part_ver;
+    msg_send.msg_arch_word = to_msg->rem_svc_arch_word;
       if (msg_send.msg.encoding == MDS_ENC_TYPE_FULL) {
           if (NULL == bcast_ptr) {
-            msg_send.msg_fmt_ver =
cbinfo.info.enc.o_msg_fmt_ver;    /* archword will be filled in
next label */
-            msg_send.msg_arch_word = to_msg->rem_svc_arch_word;
+            msg_send.msg_fmt_ver = cbinfo.info.enc.o_msg_fmt_ver;
       } else {
           if (NULL == bcast_ptr) {
@@ -6502,14 +6502,10 @@ static uint32_t mcm_query_for_node_dest_
       if (m_MDS_GET_ADEST == adest) {
       } else if (MDS_SELF_ARCHWORD == arch_word) {
-        if ((0 == (MDS_SELF_ARCHWORD & 0x7) && (0 == (arch_word &
0x7)))) {
-            if (m_MDS_GET_NODE_ID_FROM_ADEST(m_MDS_GET_ADEST) ==
-                *to = DESTINATION_ON_NODE; /* This hash define
may give a wrong impression, but actually it means to do flat_enc */
-            } else {
-                *to = DESTINATION_OFF_NODE;
-            }
+            *to = DESTINATION_ON_NODE;    /* This hash define may
give a wrong impression, but actually it means to do flat_enc */
           } else {
-            *to = DESTINATION_ON_NODE;
+            *to = DESTINATION_OFF_NODE;
       } else {
           *to = DESTINATION_OFF_NODE;
diff --git a/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_dt_tipc.c
--- a/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_dt_tipc.c
+++ b/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_dt_tipc.c
@@ -2035,7 +2035,16 @@ uint32_t mds_mdtm_send_tipc(MDTM_SEND_RE
                   m_MDS_LOG_INFO("MDTM: User Sending Data lenght=%d
Fr_svc=%d to_svc=%d\n", len,
req->src_svc_id, req->dest_svc_id);
   -                int frag_size = MDTM_NORMAL_MSG_FRAG_SIZE;
+                // determine fragment limit using a bit in
destination archword
+                int frag_size;
+                int version = req->msg_arch_word & 0x7;
+                if (version > 0) {
+                    // normal mode, use TIPC fragmentation
+                    frag_size = TIPC_MAX_USER_MSG_SIZE;
+                } else {
+                    // old mode, completely skip TIPC fragmentation
+                    frag_size = MDTM_NORMAL_MSG_FRAG_SIZE;
+                }
                     if (len > frag_size) {
                       /* Packet needs to be fragmented and send */
diff --git a/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_log.c
--- a/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_log.c
+++ b/osaf/libs/core/mds/mds_log.c
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ uint32_t mds_log_init(char *log_file_nam
         if ((fh = fopen(lf, "a+")) != NULL) {
-        log_mds_notify("BEGIN MDS LOGGING|
-                   process_id, MDS_ARCH_TYPE,
+        log_mds_notify("BEGIN MDS LOGGING|
+                   process_id, MDS_SELF_ARCHWORD,
         return NCSCC_RC_SUCCESS;


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