Summary: log: Extend information about origin of log record [#1480]
Review request for Trac Ticket(s): #1468
Peer Reviewer(s): Lennart, Anders W, Mathi
Pull request to: Lennart
Affected branch(es): Default
Development branch: Default

Impacted area       Impact y/n
 Docs                    n
 Build system            n
 RPM/packaging           n
 Configuration files     n
 Startup scripts         n
 SAF services            y
 OpenSAF services        n
 Core libraries          n
 Samples                 n
 Tests                   n
 Other                   n

Comments (indicate scope for each "y" above):

changeset a6c0e7e9785c75c6dcf57404027fc92fc572a25f
Author: Vu Minh Nguyen <>
Date:   Tue, 02 Feb 2016 10:02:37 +0700

        log: Extend information about origin of log record [#1480]

        Add new tokens (@Cq and @Cp) to represent node name and network name.

Added Files:

Complete diffstat:
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/README                  |    16 +
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/config/      |     4 +-
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/config/gcfg_classes.xml |    18 +
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/config/gcfg_objects.xml |     6 +
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/         |     6 +-
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs.h               |     1 +
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/          |     9 +-
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/          |    11 +-
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_evt.h           |     1 +
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/          |    52 ++++-
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_fmt.h           |    20 +-
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/     |  1082 
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_imm_gcfg.h      |    28 ++
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/         |     1 +
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/        |    50 +++-
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_mbcsv.h         |     1 +
 osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/          |    13 +-
 tests/logsv/logtest.c                           |     7 +
 tests/logsv/logtest.h                           |     2 +
 tests/logsv/tet_LogOiOps.c                      |   205 ++++++++++++++++++++
 20 files changed, 1498 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

Testing Commands:
 There are 02 added new test cases to test node name token
 and network name token. Run them (following) for testing.

 logtest 4 63
 logtest 4 64

NOTE (dependencies): 
This patch has to be merged on top of following patches (in review/not pushed 
1) #1522 MDS: Include node name as a part of control events 
2) #1179 log: add support for cloud resilience feature

Testing, Expected Results:
 All test cases passed

Conditions of Submission:
 Get ack from peer reviewers

Arch      Built     Started    Linux distro
mips        n          n
mips64      n          n
x86         n          n
x86_64      n          n
powerpc     n          n
powerpc64   n          n

Reviewer Checklist:
[Submitters: make sure that your review doesn't trigger any checkmarks!]

Your checkin has not passed review because (see checked entries):

___ Your RR template is generally incomplete; it has too many blank entries
    that need proper data filled in.

___ You have failed to nominate the proper persons for review and push.

___ Your patches do not have proper short+long header

___ You have grammar/spelling in your header that is unacceptable.

___ You have exceeded a sensible line length in your headers/comments/text.

___ You have failed to put in a proper Trac Ticket # into your commits.

___ You have incorrectly put/left internal data in your comments/files
    (i.e. internal bug tracking tool IDs, product names etc)

___ You have not given any evidence of testing beyond basic build tests.
    Demonstrate some level of runtime or other sanity testing.

___ You have ^M present in some of your files. These have to be removed.

___ You have needlessly changed whitespace or added whitespace crimes
    like trailing spaces, or spaces before tabs.

___ You have mixed real technical changes with whitespace and other
    cosmetic code cleanup changes. These have to be separate commits.

___ You need to refactor your submission into logical chunks; there is
    too much content into a single commit.

___ You have extraneous garbage in your review (merge commits etc)

___ You have giant attachments which should never have been sent;
    Instead you should place your content in a public tree to be pulled.

___ You have too many commits attached to an e-mail; resend as threaded
    commits, or place in a public tree for a pull.

___ You have resent this content multiple times without a clear indication
    of what has changed between each re-send.

___ You have failed to adequately and individually address all of the
    comments and change requests that were proposed in the initial review.

___ You have a misconfigured ~/.hgrc file (i.e. username, email etc)

___ Your computer have a badly configured date and time; confusing the
    the threaded patch review.

___ Your changes affect IPC mechanism, and you don't present any results
    for in-service upgradability test.

___ Your changes affect user manual and documentation, your patch series
    do not contain the patch that updates the Doxygen manual.

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