Hi Vu

My comments:

This function looks like it can get a value from any attribute in any object 
but this does not seems to be the case.
It can only get values from some specific objects and also not for all 
attributes in those objects. This is very unclean code and should be improved. 
Also the test code should be kept as clean as possible especially global 
There are several ways of handling this e.g.
A function that takes the object name and the attribute name (as a C strings) 
as in parameters and has a void pointer for the fetched value. Since no 
attributes in the log service can be multivalue it should be ok to always give 
value[0] as output. This is also a void pointer. The calling function should 
know how to typecast the fetched value to the correct type. The only limitation 
for this function is that it will only return the first value in case of 
multivalue but this should be no problem.


Has to be moved to an appropriate directory. Cannot be placed with the log 
service. Talk to Anders W.
Maybe other reviewers also have comments about this.

I hope you have thoroughly checked this code. This code is a rather quickly 
created prototype code, is not very well tested and had not been reviewed by 
anybody before you got it. It should also be verified with valgrind thread 
check (has not been done)
- Spelling error on line 60. Replace "snd" with "and"
- There is no information telling what this function is doing and why 
send_command() function

Remove TODO on line 1625
Why adding inparameter nodeId to function dec_write_log_async_msg()? Not used 
in function
Can also be removed from mds_dec() function? (line 799)

I suggest some changes in the text added to README

Original text:
3. New tokens are added (#1480)
- @Cp: for showing the network name
- @Cq: for showing node name where the log record comes from.

a) The network name comes from an configurable attribute `opensafNetworkName`
   which belongs to global configurable class `OpensafConfig`.
   The attribute can be accessed via DN 

   LOG service is an applier to this object class, so that whenever there is 
change in
   network name attribute `opensafNetworkName`, LOG service will be notified.

b) Regarding node name, LOG service gets this information when decoding 
messages at MDS layer.

Suggested modifications:
3. New tokens are added (#1480)
- @Cp: for showing the network name
- @Cq: for showing node name where the log record comes from.

a) The network name comes from an attribute, `opensafNetworkName`
   which belongs to the `OpensafConfig` class.
   The `opensafConfigId=opensafGlobalConfig,safApp=OpenSAF` object of this 
class is an
   OpenSAF global configuration object.

   LOG service is an applier for this object, so that whenever there is change 
   network name attribute `opensafNetworkName`, LOG service will be notified.

b) Regarding node name, LOG service gets this information when decoding 
messages at MDS layer.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vu Minh Nguyen [mailto:vu.m.ngu...@dektech.com.au]
> Sent: den 26 februari 2016 02:49
> To: Anders Widell; Lennart Lund; mathi.naic...@oracle.com
> Cc: opensaf-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [PATCH 0 of 1] Review Request for log: Extend information about
> origin of log record [#1480]
> Summary: log: Extend information about origin of log record [#1480]
> Review request for Trac Ticket(s): #1468
> Peer Reviewer(s): Lennart, Anders W, Mathi
> Pull request to: Lennart
> Affected branch(es): Default
> Development branch: Default
> --------------------------------
> Impacted area       Impact y/n
> --------------------------------
>  Docs                    n
>  Build system            n
>  RPM/packaging           n
>  Configuration files     n
>  Startup scripts         n
>  SAF services            y
>  OpenSAF services        n
>  Core libraries          n
>  Samples                 n
>  Tests                   n
>  Other                   n
> Comments (indicate scope for each "y" above):
> ---------------------------------------------
> changeset a6c0e7e9785c75c6dcf57404027fc92fc572a25f
> Author:       Vu Minh Nguyen <vu.m.ngu...@dektech.com.au>
> Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2016 10:02:37 +0700
>       log: Extend information about origin of log record [#1480]
>       Add new tokens (@Cq and @Cp) to represent node name and
> network name.
> Added Files:
> ------------
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/config/gcfg_classes.xml
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/config/gcfg_objects.xml
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_imm_gcfg.cc
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_imm_gcfg.h
> Complete diffstat:
> ------------------
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/README                  |    16 +
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/config/Makefile.am      |     4 +-
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/config/gcfg_classes.xml |    18 +
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/config/gcfg_objects.xml |     6 +
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/Makefile.am         |     6 +-
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs.h               |     1 +
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_amf.cc          |     9 +-
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_evt.cc          |    11 +-
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_evt.h           |     1 +
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_fmt.cc          |    52 ++++-
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_fmt.h           |    20 +-
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_imm_gcfg.cc     |  1082
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_imm_gcfg.h      |    28 ++
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_main.cc         |     1 +
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_mbcsv.cc        |    50 +++-
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_mbcsv.h         |     1 +
>  osaf/services/saf/logsv/lgs/lgs_mds.cc          |    13 +-
>  tests/logsv/logtest.c                           |     7 +
>  tests/logsv/logtest.h                           |     2 +
>  tests/logsv/tet_LogOiOps.c                      |   205 ++++++++++++++++++++
>  20 files changed, 1498 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
> Testing Commands:
> -----------------
>  There are 02 added new test cases to test node name token
>  and network name token. Run them (following) for testing.
>  logtest 4 63
>  logtest 4 64
> NOTE (dependencies):
> ----
> This patch has to be merged on top of following patches (in review/not
> pushed yet)
> 1) #1522 MDS: Include node name as a part of control events
> 2) #1179 log: add support for cloud resilience feature
> Testing, Expected Results:
> --------------------------
>  All test cases passed
> Conditions of Submission:
> -------------------------
>  Get ack from peer reviewers
> Arch      Built     Started    Linux distro
> -------------------------------------------
> mips        n          n
> mips64      n          n
> x86         n          n
> x86_64      n          n
> powerpc     n          n
> powerpc64   n          n
> Reviewer Checklist:
> -------------------
> [Submitters: make sure that your review doesn't trigger any checkmarks!]
> Your checkin has not passed review because (see checked entries):
> ___ Your RR template is generally incomplete; it has too many blank entries
>     that need proper data filled in.
> ___ You have failed to nominate the proper persons for review and push.
> ___ Your patches do not have proper short+long header
> ___ You have grammar/spelling in your header that is unacceptable.
> ___ You have exceeded a sensible line length in your
> headers/comments/text.
> ___ You have failed to put in a proper Trac Ticket # into your commits.
> ___ You have incorrectly put/left internal data in your comments/files
>     (i.e. internal bug tracking tool IDs, product names etc)
> ___ You have not given any evidence of testing beyond basic build tests.
>     Demonstrate some level of runtime or other sanity testing.
> ___ You have ^M present in some of your files. These have to be removed.
> ___ You have needlessly changed whitespace or added whitespace crimes
>     like trailing spaces, or spaces before tabs.
> ___ You have mixed real technical changes with whitespace and other
>     cosmetic code cleanup changes. These have to be separate commits.
> ___ You need to refactor your submission into logical chunks; there is
>     too much content into a single commit.
> ___ You have extraneous garbage in your review (merge commits etc)
> ___ You have giant attachments which should never have been sent;
>     Instead you should place your content in a public tree to be pulled.
> ___ You have too many commits attached to an e-mail; resend as threaded
>     commits, or place in a public tree for a pull.
> ___ You have resent this content multiple times without a clear indication
>     of what has changed between each re-send.
> ___ You have failed to adequately and individually address all of the
>     comments and change requests that were proposed in the initial review.
> ___ You have a misconfigured ~/.hgrc file (i.e. username, email etc)
> ___ Your computer have a badly configured date and time; confusing the
>     the threaded patch review.
> ___ Your changes affect IPC mechanism, and you don't present any results
>     for in-service upgradability test.
> ___ Your changes affect user manual and documentation, your patch series
>     do not contain the patch that updates the Doxygen manual.

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