Please comment.


** [tickets:#2133] AMF: Rollback admin shutdown/lock SI operation if node 

**Status:** unassigned
**Milestone:** future
**Created:** Thu Oct 20, 2016 06:49 PM UTC by Minh Hon Chau
**Last Updated:** Wed Jan 18, 2017 11:05 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody

In scenario of shut down SI, delay QUIESCING csi callback, then reboot the node 
that hosting SU having pending this csi callback. The result of this operation 
looks differently between SGs
- For 2N: the SI Admin state is rollbacked to UNLOCK 
- For Nway: the SI Admin state moves to LOCKED
- In NpM: Haven't tested just browsing SG_NPM::node_fail_si_oper, looks SI 
Admin states rollbacks to UNLOCK

My question is whether the result of these scenario should be consistent? And 
what's the expected outcome?
Also, the handling of node_fail_si_oper for admin lock is not consistent. For 
2N, Admin state remains LOCKED, NpM rollbacks to UNLOCK


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