Am Mittwoch 28 Januar 2009 19:30:52 schrieb Stanislav Brabec:
> How to name the main category "smart_card_reader or crypto_token"?

I think it is easer to explain, that a usb crypto token is a device consisting
of a reduced smart card reader and a fixed build in smart card. I guess
this is quite close to the truth. the other way would be more like the pkcs#11
document (they talk about tokens all the time, but cover software 
implementations too), and harder to explain I think.

> 2) Use "smart_card_reader" and invent a different name for "the one with
>    slot for cards".

maybe something like "slots:1" , "slots:2", "slots:fixed"? 
or use the card size format here? (e.g. "slots:id0,wireless" ?)
not 100% sure

> info.pcsc.* info.openct.* would never conflict.

good idea. my concern was how to handle that info in openct code,
but we will find a way for that sometime later.

> Two slots or one slots with two sizes?

two real, independend slots. can be used with two different cards
at the same time.

Regards, Andreas
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