Am Mittwoch 28 Januar 2009 19:05:08 schrieb Alon Bar-Lev:
> Running software as root is the worst solution. Especially security
> centric software.

not a good solution, but not the worst. remember old linux/unix systems
with a bin user and group, and all binaries owned by them? that was
worse. creating a stair where people can step by step get more privileges
because nobody understands all the dependencies is worse than having
the simple "root or not" approach, where root has most rights and there
are few things you can do with out root, so you need to attack it directly.
much easier to understand, secure and keep secure from my point of view.

> >  btw: many distributions have a group "scard" that regulates access to
> > smart card reader middleware (pcscd and openct). (well, ok, debian and
> > ubuntu have that group, not 100% sure about other distributions).
> I don't care how you call this group as long as you run daemons in
> least-privilege mode.

it's not the daemon group, but the group users need to be in, so they are
allowed to talk to the daemon. it would be very bad security practise, if
the same group name is used for that in one distribution, and for the
daemon access to the usb devices in some other distribution.

Regards, Andreas
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