On 21.03.2009, at 2:34, Henry B. Hotz wrote:

>> If it is a PIV card, you probably don't use OpenSC tokend, but the  
>> CAC
>> one? I might be wrong. Anyway, you don't need to "unlock" the
>> keychain, you need to provide the PIN when you use a key/certificate
>> on the card.
> CAC uses the CAC Tokend.  PIV uses the PIV Tokend.  (Out of the box  
> anyway.)  I have a PIV, not a CAC because I work for a NASA  
> contractor, not for the DOD.  ;-)
CAC and PIV tokend-s come with Mac OS X (ls -l /System/Library/ 
Security/tokend), they have nothing to do with OpenSC or the  

> I'm told the problem with the Apple Tokend is that it doesn't  
> support 2048 bit RSA keys.  In any case loginWindow on Leopard can't  
> identify me based on the card.  Substituting the OpenSC Tokend fixes  
> that problem, but the PIN still isn't accepted.
OpenSC.tokend is hardcoded to 1024b RSA keys. If Apple OSX Tokend  
framework itself is capable of using 2048b keys is a question I don't  
have the answer to right now. You can easily run into problems with  
card readers as well (extended APDUs etc)

> I'm willing to do some debugging, if someone will tell me what to  
> look at.  Maybe where to put syslog calls in a custom build?

You can run the PIV tokend in debug mode but that won't help you, as  
there is no way you can modify the PIV tokend.

Martin Paljak

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