A while ago I received this from a German ETSI rep:

    What I could offer is a short paper at 
http://www.ecsec.de/pub/2008_Sicherheit.pdf ,
    which sketched such a mapping to MSS standardized by ETSI and the 
    of the eCard-API-Framework 
    unfortunately in German, but there will be English translations coming 

To me it seems that BSI is looking for Java Card 3 functionality which means
web services rather than 7816.

I'm personally going in the opposite direction using extremely simple low-level
commands making the HW requirements even less than today with the goal of
making PKI support a built-in feature in consumer devices such as USB memory
sticks and mobile phones.  The need for an externally visible file-system in a 
card does not appear logical; none of the current crypto APIs need that.

JavaCards seem like a solution for specific things like stored-value schemes;
for PKI support Java doesn't bring anything to the table as far as I can tell.


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