Hello list,
I'm experiencing a problem using my certificate. After a couple hours of debug I'm stuck on a "bus error" message generated from pkcs11-tool.

I'm wondering how to read some more debug information, what's wrong with it ?
Adding -vvvv options didn't help.

OSX 10.5.7

[din...@mini]-[/Library/OpenSC/bin]$ ./opensc-tool -i
opensc 0.11.5 [gcc  4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367)]
Enabled features: zlib readline openssl pcsc(/System/Library/ Frameworks/PCSC.framework/PCSC)

[din...@mini]-[/Library/OpenSC/bin]$ ./pkcs11-tool -I
Cryptoki version 2.11
Manufacturer     OpenSC (www.opensc-project.org)
Library          smart card PKCS#11 API (ver 1.0)

The error occurred when I try to show objects on token.

[din...@mini]-[/Library/OpenSC/bin]$ ./pkcs11-tool -vvvvvv -O
Bus error

The same happens if i try: /pkcs11-tool -t -l but with some more stack information ( i'm not sure that it's secure to post my key signature here ).

I'm also attaching the crash log which was generated. Seems that it crash on: pkcs15_pubkey_get_attribute but I don't know why.

Any help is appreciated.

Dincho Todorov

Attachment: pkcs11-tool_2009-06-05-123539_miniDincho-2.crash
Description: Binary data

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