

We have added support to OpenSC for our MyEID smart card from Aventra Ltd.


Attached is a patch done to the 0.11.9 version.

Changes are only 3 added files and minor modifications to the appropriate


We would like it to be added to the svn trunk  so it will be included in
later released versions.

Please have a look and send comments if some changes needs to made.


Also if there are some other things that we should do, please inform us what
exactly we should, 

since this is the first time we contribute to the OpenSC project.



Kind regards,


Toni Sjöblom



office: Lanttikatu 2, FIN-02770 Espoo, Finland

 <http://www.aventra.fi/> http://www.aventra.fi


Attachment: opensc-0.11.9-aventra.patch.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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