2009/10/4 Martin Paljak <mar...@paljak.pri.ee>:
> On 04.10.2009, at 16:30, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
>>>  - it could also use smartcard_list.txt to display more info about the
>>> ATR/card.
>> Done (without regular expression for now).
> Don't know if it requires regexps or not but Estonian eID ATR
> 3b:5e:11:ff:45:73:74:45:49:44:20:76:65:72:20:31:2e:30 is not identified.

This card was not in my list. Corrected.

> Maybe keep the input bar on the parse page as well, so that a new ATR could
> be entered at once. Also, it would be better if the input field was just a
> looong single line, from left side to right side of the browser window.

I am now using:
          <form action="/parse" method="post">
            <div><textarea name="content" rows="1" cols="100"></textarea></div>
            <div><input type="submit" value="Parse ATR"></div>

Patches welcome :-)

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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