2009/10/25 Martin Paljak <mar...@paljak.pri.ee>:
> On 04.10.2009, at 17:51, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
>> 2009/10/4 Martin Paljak <mar...@paljak.pri.ee>:
>>> On 04.10.2009, at 16:30, Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
>>>>>  - it could also use smartcard_list.txt to display more info about the
>>>>> ATR/card.
>>>> Done (without regular expression for now).
>>> Don't know if it requires regexps or not but Estonian eID ATR
>>> 3b:5e:11:ff:45:73:74:45:49:44:20:76:65:72:20:31:2e:30 is not identified.
>> This card was not in my list. Corrected.
> Strange, I thought I have sent all ATR-s used by EstEID, but apparently I
> was wrong :) Probably because of cold/warm ATR difference...

The complete list is available at

>>> Maybe keep the input bar on the parse page as well, so that a new ATR
>>> could
>>> be entered at once. Also, it would be better if the input field was just
>>> a
>>> looong single line, from left side to right side of the browser window.
>> I am now using:
>>         <form action="/parse" method="post">
>>           <div><textarea name="content" rows="1"
>> cols="100"></textarea></div>
>>           <div><input type="submit" value="Parse ATR"></div>
>>         </form>
>> Patches welcome :-)
>  <form action="/parse" method="post">
>            <div><input type="text" name="content" size="100"></div>
>            <div><input type="submit" value="Parse ATR"></div>
>          </form>
> This way pressing return in the ATR field submits the ATR instead of
> generating a newline inside the textarea.

Thanks. I will try that.

> It would be useful to also list all cards in smartcard_list.txt and maybe
> even be able to browse them by some characteristics, like
> http://pcsclite.alioth.debian.org/section.html. At least a listing of all
> ATR-s with a link to parse page would be useful.

The complete list is available online.

It would be nice to submit an ATR parse with only one URL (by putting
the ATR in the URL for example). So creating a web page with all the
ATRs and links to the parsed version would be easy.
But you could not easily "grep" the parsed ATRs in this case.

I already have more than 800 ATRs in the list.
What characteristics do you think would be interesting?
- T=0, T=1, both support
- speed (TA1)


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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