On 18.11.2009, at 16:53, François Leblanc wrote:
> Hum, my first idea it's to add 'sc_pkcs15init_set_callbacks' somewhere in
> opensc-pkcs11.dll (in framework-pkcs15.c for example)... but like I'm not a
> specialist of pkcs11 I'd rather wait to have opinion of someone who know
> what he do. So for the moment I hope pkcs11 expert to have a look.
For the trunk branch, I don't know if the comment to changeset 3784 is OK: 
This can't affect 0.11.

> 'pkcs15-init' provide it's own function to get pin and ask for pin when
> necessary, for opensc-pkcs11 the pin is given by application so we can't
> provide function to ask pin. I think we can cache pin at login and call
> 'sc_pkcs15init_set_callbacks' to set functions to retrieve pin back but
> what about security and so-pin...
There are two targets:
1. If a PIN is entered via software, cache it in a single location, usable by 
all layers above libopensc by same mechanism
2. Allow to personalize a card with all PIN-s going through a pinpad.

1. is possible, but 2 via PKCS#11 might be a problem, if a card requires 
several times a PIN for a single operation...

Martin Paljak

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