François Leblanc wrote:
>> There are two targets:
>> 1. If a PIN is entered via software, cache it in a single location, usable 
>> by all layers above libopensc by same mechanism
>> 2. Allow to personalize a card with all PIN-s going through a pinpad.
>> 1. is possible, but 2 via PKCS#11 might be a problem, if a card requires 
>> several times a PIN for a single operation...
>> Actually:
>> - C_Login() caches PIN in one of the p15card->pin_cache[] entries ;
>> - sc_pkcs15init_authenticate() (in fact do_get_and_verify_secret()) do not 
>> look for PIN in this cache, but in a global cache (static >'secret *' and 
>> 'named_pin' in keycache.c) .
>> What is the reason of co-existence of these two caches?
>> Maybe sc_pkcs15init_authenticate() should look for the PIN in 
>> p15card->pin_cache[] also ?
>> IMHO, at least, it will solve the problem for the 'target 1.', and will not 
>> change the situation for 'target 2.' .
> I've seen in docs
> <<
> If the token has a "protected authentication path", as indicated by the 
> that means that there is some way for a user to be authenticated to the token 
> without having the application send a PIN through the Cryptoki library. One 
> such possibility is that the user enters a PIN on a PINpad on the token 
> itself, or on the slot device. Or the user might not even use a 
> PIN-authentication could be achieved by some fingerprint-reading device, for 
> example. To log into a token with a protected authentication path, the pPin 
> parameter to C_Login should be NULL_PTR. When C_Login returns, whatever 
> authentication method supported by the token will have been performed; a 
> return value of CKR_OK means that the user was successfully authenticated, 
> and a return value of CKR_PIN_INCORRECT means that the user was denied access.
> for target 2 it will be ok, after provided CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH 
> for pinpad readers,
> so for target 1 and 2 we can call 'sc_pkcs15init_set_callbacks' and give a 
> function witch return
> p15card->pin_cache[] value if not null, ask on pinpad readers if it's a 
> pinpad reader and error
> elsewhere.
> What do you think?
> François.

I have no answer; do not tried to use pinpad with the actual OpenSC version.

In my 'local OpenSC' I modified do_get_and_verify_secret() to not return 
an error
if there was no PIN value obtained (from cache or callback) and if there 
Then PIN-pad is managed at the libopensc card specific level .
Don't know if it's generally acceptable.


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