Am Montag 25 Januar 2010 10:20:55 schrieb Peter Stuge:
> Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:
> > > - Improve register key management and .inf file to manage all
> > >   cards (with options to not manage some cards) - Documentation
> >
> > hmm. a simple gui app could help users to manage that. but no idea
> > what an easy way to write a simple gui is on windows these days.
> Dialogs in .rc plus a little C code works really well, is small and
> fast. is a minimal example.

hmm. looks nice. can we create such binaries with the usual mingw setup
(cross-compile from linux)?

a simple gui with the cards we support listed, and a checkbox would be
all we need, I guess. and the app would set / remove the registry
keys to map those cards to the opensc mini driver.

maybe one or two entries with an input field instead of a name,
so people can enter ATRs we don't know yet, and map them to opensc
mini driver too.

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