
On Mar 28, 2010, at 23:29 , Peter Koch wrote:
> I'm maintaining the TCOS-driver and the PKCS#15-emulation for german 
> signature cards and some TCOS-based University cards. There was no need to 
> change the driver for about two years, but this doesn't mean that the 
> TCOS-driver is unmaintainted.
> I therefore changed the Wiki-tags and removed my entry from the Emeritus list.
Great, now it is documented as well!

Maybe you have a suggestion on what to do with this page linked to from 
GetInvolved (originally "Developers corner" section) [1]:

GermanApi -- Information about new eCardAPI published by German government

The wiki page [2] seems to point to ICAO MRTD related docs which is basically 
not yet anyway compatible with OpenSC (RFID etc) nor specific to Germany.

If that is the case, would it be OK to rename/remove that page and replace it 
with a generic MRTD page and/or anything specific to Germany moved to some 
other page, like GermanEid?

[1] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/GetInvolved
[2] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/GermanApi
Martin Paljak

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