
(saved this message from the moderation list, Stef, you should subscribe)

On Aug 1, 2010, at 2:21 PM, Stef wrote:

> * PKCS#11 modules such as libsoftokn3.so (NSS) need a string passed
>   into C_Initialize pReserved. That said, such libraries are outside
>   the specification and such libraries are probably not supposed to be
>   loaded on their own anyway.

Do you know other modules that *require* something in pReserved?
You're probably right, I don't think that such modules should be loaded unless 
you need to use some software algorithm that is implemented in libsoftokn3 and 
which you need to access via PKCS#11 for some reason. 

> * The user cannot add or remove PKCS#11 modules. That said, it's
>   debatable whether this is necessary if each PKCS#11 module
>   installed configures itself appropriately.
Eventually the application needs to load a single specific module, the 
"registry" can only help in locating a possibly suitable module, but by no 
means should it be the only source (if user configurability is required) nor a 
fixed prefix (disallowing modules not in that location).

> So in the end, I agree that the "PKCS#11 Registry" based around
> /usr/lib/pkcs11 is a sound concept. We'll likely end up supporting it in
> gnome-keyring (for loading of smart card drivers) and seahorse (key
> management UI of objects on PKCS#11 modules).
>>> Yes true. In addition there's no way to disable use of algorithms on
>>> specific PKCS#11 modules. For example NSS allows one to specify whether
>>> to use a module with RSA and/or DSA when installing that module.
>> If disabling an algorithm is global you could use the PKCS#11 lib
>> configuration file. /etc/opensc.conf in the case of OpenSC.
>> Why would you need this?
> I noticed it in NSS. Not sure of all the reasons behind it.
NSS is also built around PKCS#11-ish concepts. As it supports loading several 
PKCS#11 modules (softtoken being one of them) there could be multiple modules 
implementing the same algorithms.

It does not make sense for hardware based keys though.

Martin Paljak

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