
Martin Paljak wrote:
>> 2. The announcement of the GOST public key algorithm seems to me very
>> optimistic. Because the current implementation isn't functional at all
>> [1][2].
> Good catch.

The GOST public key algorithm is working (the current implementation), 
but in [1] [2] by a lucky chance. We need to fix logic in this case.

>> [1]http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/browser/trunk/src/libopensc/pkcs15-sec.c#L86
>> [2]http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/browser/trunk/src/libopensc/card.c#L725

Trace example:

Breakpoint 1, _sc_card_find_rsa_alg (card=0x8e2530, key_length=256) at 
730             for (i = 0; i < card->algorithm_count; i++) { 

(gdb) bt 

#0  _sc_card_find_rsa_alg (card=0x8e2530, key_length=256) at card.c:730 

#1  0x00007fce3a329369 in sc_pkcs15_compute_signature (p15card=0x8e2b00, 
     flags=<value optimized out>, in=<value optimized out>, inlen=32, 
out=<value optimized out>, outlen=64)
     at pkcs15-sec.c:175 

#2  0x000000000041118d in pkcs15_prkey_sign (ses=0x8ee2c0, obj=<value 
optimized out>,
     pMechanism=<value optimized out>, pData=<value optimized out>, 
     pSignature=<value optimized out>, pulDataLen=0x7128e8) at 
#3  0x000000000040ca98 in sc_pkcs11_signature_final (operation=0x8ee230, 
pSignature=0x712860 "",
     pulSignatureLen=0x7128e8) at mechanism.c:425 

#4  0x000000000040d546 in sc_pkcs11_sign_final (session=0x8ee2c0, 
pSignature=0x712860 "",
     pulSignatureLen=0x7128e8) at mechanism.c:307 

#5  0x000000000040a82c in C_Sign (hSession=9364160, pData=0x708de0 
     ulDataLen=32, pSignature=0x712860 "", pulSignatureLen=0x7128e8) at 
#6  0x00000000004079b5 in main () 

(gdb) finish 

Run till exit from #0  _sc_card_find_rsa_alg (card=0x8e2530, 
key_length=256) at card.c:730
sc_pkcs15_compute_signature (p15card=0x8e2b00, obj=0x8eaff0, 
flags=<value optimized out>,
     in=<value optimized out>, inlen=32, out=<value optimized out>, 
outlen=64) at pkcs15-sec.c:176
176             if (alg_info == NULL) { 

Value returned is $1 = (sc_algorithm_info_t *) 0x8e27c0 

(gdb) p/x *$1 

$3 = {algorithm = 0x0, key_length = 0x100, flags = 0x80000011, u = {_rsa 
= {exponent = 0x0}}}
(gdb) n 

175             alg_info = _sc_card_find_rsa_alg(p15card->card, 

176             if (alg_info == NULL) { 


160             size_t modlen = prkey->modulus_length / 8; 


183             if (inlen > sizeof(buf) || outlen < modlen) 


185             memcpy(buf, in, inlen); 


180             senv.algorithm = SC_ALGORITHM_RSA; 


185             memcpy(buf, in, inlen); 


195             if ((alg_info->flags & SC_ALGORITHM_NEED_USAGE) && 


223             if ((flags == (SC_ALGORITHM_RSA_PAD_PKCS1 | 

237             r = sc_get_encoding_flags(ctx, flags, alg_info->flags, 
&pad_flags, &sec_flags);

238             if (r != SC_SUCCESS) { 


245             if (pad_flags != 0) { 


242             senv.algorithm_flags = sec_flags; 


245             if (pad_flags != 0) { 


242             senv.algorithm_flags = sec_flags; 


245             if (pad_flags != 0) { 


250             } else if ((flags & SC_ALGORITHM_RSA_PADS) == 

252                     if (inlen < modlen) { 


260             senv.operation = SC_SEC_OPERATION_SIGN; 


261             senv.flags = 0; 


263             if (prkey->key_reference >= 0) { 


264                     senv.key_ref_len = 1; 


265                     senv.key_ref[0] = prkey->key_reference & 0xFF; 


266                     senv.flags |= SC_SEC_ENV_KEY_REF_PRESENT; 


268             senv.flags |= SC_SEC_ENV_ALG_PRESENT; 


270             r = sc_lock(p15card->card); 


271             SC_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, r, "sc_lock() 

270             r = sc_lock(p15card->card); 


271             SC_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, r, "sc_lock() 

273             if (prkey->path.len != 0) { 


274                     r = select_key_file(p15card, prkey, &senv); 


275                     if (r < 0) {
274                     r = select_key_file(p15card, prkey, &senv);
275                     if (r < 0) {
281             r = sc_set_security_env(p15card->card, &senv, 0);
282             if (r < 0) {
281             r = sc_set_security_env(p15card->card, &senv, 0);
282             if (r < 0) {
287             r = sc_compute_signature(p15card->card, tmp, inlen, out, 
(gdb) s
sc_compute_signature (card=0x8e2530, data=0x7fff14921100 
"1234567890123456789012345678901", datalen=32,
     out=0x712860 "", outlen=64) at sec.c:48
48      {
(gdb) n
51              assert(card != NULL);
48      {
51              assert(card != NULL);
52              SC_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL);
53              if (card->ops->compute_signature == NULL)
55              r = card->ops->compute_signature(card, data, datalen, 
out, outlen);
(gdb) s
rtecp_compute_signature (card=0x8e2530, data=0x7fff14921100 
"1234567890123456789012345678901", data_len=32,
     out=0x712860 "", out_len=64) at card-rtecp.c:415
415     {

>> It would be very surprising to me, if there is at least one
>> single person who could explain (to an ordinary user) how to get this
>> stuff to work. Question: Why declaring such non functional stuff as a
>> new feature?
> AFAIK the only cards/tokens that support GOST seem to be Rutokens and thus we 
> have to take the developers word on that as I have tried to get a Rutoken but 
> those e-mails faded away, I did not get a reply from the vendor. I don't know 
> anyone else on this list who has a Rutoken and could verify (or in that 
> sense, care about) the functioning of GOST algorithms and key generation etc.
> What maybe needs to be done is better phrasing of what the actual "support 
> for" means. There sure is code in OpenSC that deals with GOST algorithms, but 
> how and where it is exposed, needs to be documented.
> Aleksey, can you explain the situation with GOST in more detail?

The GOST R 34.10-2001 is working on Rutoken ECP only 

PKCS#11 opensc-pkcs11 (C_GenerateKeyPair, C_Find*, C_Digest*, C_Sign*, 
C_Verify* are working with GOST)
pkcs11-tool (read and show GOST objects only)

Some examples:

$ pkcs15-init --create-pkcs15 --so-pin "87654321" --so-puk ""
$ pkcs15-init --store-pin --label "User PIN" --auth-id 02 --pin 
"12345678" --puk "" --so-pin "87654321" --finalize 


$ openssl genpkey -engine gost -algorithm gost2001 -pkeyopt paramset:A 
-out test_key
engine "gost" set. 


$ openssl req -engine gost -new -x509 -days 30 -key test_key -out 
engine "gost" set. 

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated 

into your certificate request. 

What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a 
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank 

For some fields there will be a default value, 

If you enter '.', the field will be left blank. 


Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:RU 

State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: 

Locality Name (eg, city) []: 

Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: 

Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: 

Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:Name 

Email Address []:n...@mail 


$ openssl pkey -engine gost -in test_key -text 

engine "gost" set. 




-----END PRIVATE KEY----- 

Private key: 

Public key: 



Parameter set: id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet 

$ openssl x509 -engine gost -in test_cert -text 

engine "gost" set. 



         Version: 3 (0x2) 

         Serial Number: 


         Signature Algorithm: GOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-2001 

         Issuer: C=RU, ST=Some-State, O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd, 

             Not Before: Aug 31 20:29:27 2010 GMT 

             Not After : Sep 30 20:29:27 2010 GMT 

         Subject: C=RU, ST=Some-State, O=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd, 
         Subject Public Key Info: 

             Public Key Algorithm: GOST R 34.10-2001 

                 Public key: 



                 Parameter set: id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet 

         X509v3 extensions: 

             X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 


             X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 


             X509v3 Basic Constraints:
     Signature Algorithm: GOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-2001
$ pkcs15-init --store-private-key test_key --key-usage sign,decrypt 
--auth-id 2 --id 3 --pin "12345678"
Using reader with a card: CCID Compatible 

$ pkcs15-init --store-certificate test_cert --id 3 --pin "12345678" 

Using reader with a card: CCID Compatible 


$ pkcs11-tool --slot 1 --list-objects --login --pin "12345678" 

Private Key Object; GOSTR3410 

   OID:        06072a850302022301 

   label:      Private Key 

   ID:         03 

   Usage:      decrypt, sign, unwrap 

Public Key Object; GOSTR3410 

   OID:        06072a850302022301 

   label:      Public Key 

   ID:         03 

   Usage:      none 

Certificate Object, type = X.509 cert 

   label:      Certificate 

   ID:         03 


$ pkcs15-tool --list-certificates --list-public-keys --list-keys --pin 
Using reader with a card: CCID Compatible 

X.509 Certificate [Certificate] 

         Flags    : 2 

         Authority: no 

         Path     : 3f0050000300 

         ID       : 03 

         Encoded serial: 02 09 00FBE878CC97704FCD 

Private GOSTR3410 Key [Private Key]
         Com. Flags  : 3
         Usage       : [0x2E], decrypt, sign, signRecover, unwrap
         Access Flags: [0x0]
         ModLength   : 256
         Key ref     : 1
         Native      : yes
         Path        : 3f001000100060020001
         Auth ID     : 02
         ID          : 03

Public GOSTR3410 Key [Public Key]
         Com. Flags  : 2
         Usage       : [0x4], sign
         Access Flags: [0x0]
         ModLength   : 256
         Key ref     : 0
         Native      : no
         Path        : 3f0050000200
         Auth ID     :
         ID          : 03

$ pkcs11-tool --slot 1 --read-object --type pubkey --id 3 | hexdump -C
00000000  04 40 c6 c5 b8 3a 1e 4c  77 f4 80 be ae 58 27 cf 
00000010  3e c8 68 9a 0c f4 41 81  c2 8d 29 00 f9 9f ec 42 
00000020  27 a7 f3 75 5a d1 8c ee  a7 8e c3 1e fe 3b f0 81 
00000030  56 6a 38 be 33 de 6f 4d  7f da b7 5a 37 b0 b7 c2 
00000040  ae 3f                                             |®?| 



PKCS#11 Example:
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
card-rtecp.c:319:rtecp_verify: returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] sec.c:204:sc_pin_cmd: 
returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-pin.c:481:sc_pkcs15_pincache_add: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-pin.c:501:sc_pkcs15_pincache_add: PIN(User PIN) cached
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:324:sc_unlock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
reader-openct.c:407:openct_reader_unlock: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
framework-pkcs15.c:1057:pkcs15_login: PKCS15 verify PIN returned 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
framework-pkcs15.c:1064:pkcs15_login: Check if pkcs15 object list can be 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-syn.c:434:sc_pkcs15emu_postponed_load: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-syn.c:440:sc_pkcs15emu_postponed_load: Type:8,enumerated:1
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-syn.c:440:sc_pkcs15emu_postponed_load: Type:0,enumerated:1
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-syn.c:440:sc_pkcs15emu_postponed_load: Type:1,enumerated:1
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-syn.c:440:sc_pkcs15emu_postponed_load: Type:4,enumerated:1
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-syn.c:453:sc_pkcs15emu_postponed_load: Loaded mask 0x0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-syn.c:454:sc_pkcs15emu_postponed_load: returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:59:sc_to_cryptoki_error_common: opensc error: No errors (0)
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:274:C_FindObjectsInit: C_FindObjectsInit(slot = 1)
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:275:C_FindObjectsInit: C_FindObjectsInit(): CKA_ID = 03 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:136:session_start_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.368 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:137:session_start_operation: Session 0x237ad40, type 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:294:C_FindObjectsInit: Object with handle 0x23757b0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:322:C_FindObjectsInit: Object 1/37181360: Attribute 
0x102 matches. 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:327:C_FindObjectsInit: Object 1/37181360 matches
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:294:C_FindObjectsInit: Object with handle 0x2377a00
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:322:C_FindObjectsInit: Object 1/37190144: Attribute 
0x102 matches. 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:327:C_FindObjectsInit: Object 1/37190144 matches
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:294:C_FindObjectsInit: Object with handle 0x2378ae0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:322:C_FindObjectsInit: Object 1/37194464: Attribute 
0x102 matches. 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:327:C_FindObjectsInit: Object 1/37194464 matches
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:338:C_FindObjectsInit: 3 matching objects
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:158:session_get_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:158:session_get_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:180:C_GetAttributeValue: Object 37181360: CKA_CLASS = 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
C_GetAttributeValue(hSession=0x237ad40, hObject=0x23757b0) = CKR_OK 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:180:C_GetAttributeValue: Object 37190144: CKA_CLASS = 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
C_GetAttributeValue(hSession=0x237ad40, hObject=0x2377a00) = CKR_OK 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:180:C_GetAttributeValue: Object 37194464: CKA_CLASS = 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
C_GetAttributeValue(hSession=0x237ad40, hObject=0x2378ae0) = CKR_OK 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:136:session_start_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:137:session_start_operation: Session 0x237ad40, type 1
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:552:C_SignInit: C_SignInit() = CKR_OK
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:158:session_get_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] pkcs11-object.c:593:C_Sign: 
C_Sign() = CKR_OK
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:158:session_get_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:158:session_get_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:158:session_get_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
framework-pkcs15.c:2341:pkcs15_prkey_sign: Initiating signing operation, 
mechanism 0x1201. 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:290:sc_lock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
reader-openct.c:381:openct_reader_lock: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] 
framework-pkcs15.c:3141:reselect_app_df: reselect application df
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:543:sc_select_file: 
called; type=2, path=3f005000
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:521:sc_transmit_apdu: 
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:290:sc_lock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.369 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:187:sc_apdu_log: 

Outgoing APDU data [    7 bytes] ===================================== 

00 A4 08 00 02 50 00 .....P. 


0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:187:sc_apdu_log: 

Incoming APDU data [    2 bytes] ===================================== 

90 00 .. 


0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:324:sc_unlock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] 
iso7816.c:465:iso7816_select_file: returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] 
card-rtecp.c:266:rtecp_select_file: returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:564:sc_select_file: 
returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] 
framework-pkcs15.c:2400:pkcs15_prkey_sign: Selected flags 4000. Now 
computing signature for 32 bytes. 64 bytes reserved. 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs15-sec.c:163:sc_pkcs15_compute_signature: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:290:sc_lock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:543:sc_select_file: 
called; type=2, path=3f001000100060020001 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:521:sc_transmit_apdu: 
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:290:sc_lock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.371 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:187:sc_apdu_log: 

Outgoing APDU data [   13 bytes] ===================================== 

00 A4 08 00 08 10 00 10 00 60 02 00 01 .........`... 


0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:187:sc_apdu_log: 

Incoming APDU data [    2 bytes] ===================================== 

90 00 .. 


0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:324:sc_unlock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] 
iso7816.c:465:iso7816_select_file: returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] 
card-rtecp.c:266:rtecp_select_file: returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:564:sc_select_file: 
returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] 
sec.c:66:sc_set_security_env: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:521:sc_transmit_apdu: 
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:290:sc_lock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.373 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:187:sc_apdu_log: 

Outgoing APDU data [   12 bytes] ===================================== 

00 22 41 B6 07 81 02 00 01 84 01 01 ."A......... 


0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.375 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:187:sc_apdu_log: 

Incoming APDU data [    2 bytes] ===================================== 

90 00 .. 


0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.375 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:324:sc_unlock: called 

0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.375 [opensc-pkcs11] 
sec.c:70:sc_set_security_env: returning with: 0
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.375 [opensc-pkcs11] 
sec.c:52:sc_compute_signature: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.375 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:521:sc_transmit_apdu: 
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.375 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:290:sc_lock: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:20.375 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:187:sc_apdu_log:
Outgoing APDU data [   38 bytes] =====================================
00 2A 9E 9A 20 00 31 30 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 .*.. .1098765432
31 30 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 39 38 37 36 1098765432109876
35 34 33 32 31 40                               54321@
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] apdu.c:187:sc_apdu_log:
Incoming APDU data [   66 bytes] =====================================
72 87 CE C5 61 C8 03 99 14 F7 3F 70 3A E1 A6 98 r...a.....?p:...
7F 6B AB FD 3E C7 16 AB 93 D8 1F 97 9A 65 45 BE .k..>........eE.
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0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:324:sc_unlock: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
card-rtecp.c:398:rtecp_cipher: returning with: 64
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
card-rtecp.c:421:rtecp_compute_signature: returning with: 64
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
sec.c:56:sc_compute_signature: returning with: 64
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:324:sc_unlock: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] card.c:324:sc_unlock: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
reader-openct.c:407:openct_reader_unlock: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
framework-pkcs15.c:2411:pkcs15_prkey_sign: Sign complete. Result 64.
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] pkcs11-object.c:593:C_Sign: 
C_Sign() = CKR_OK
Message signed
Verifying message
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:136:session_start_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:137:session_start_operation: Session 0x237ad40, type 2
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:1074:C_VerifyInit: C_VerifyInit() = CKR_OK
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:158:session_get_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.941 [opensc-pkcs11] 
misc.c:158:session_get_operation: called
0x7fea42b2e6f0 03:15:21.943 [opensc-pkcs11] 
pkcs11-object.c:1104:C_Verify: C_Verify() = CKR_OK
Message verified

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