more fun with the upcoming 0.12.0 release:

- the only way I know how to initialize an Aladdin eToken PRO 32K with 
opensc is by using the openct driver; is there another way?

- once I initialize an Aladdin eToken using opensc I can generate 2048 
bit keys, add and delete objects etc. Everything works, however ... :

- why must I *always* specify the SO-PIN when writing objects to the eToken?
- there is tiny glitch when re-initializing the card:

 > ./pkcs15-init -C -T -P  -a 01
Using reader with a card: Aladdin eToken PRO 64k
New Security Officer PIN (Optional - press return for no PIN).
Please enter Security Officer PIN: [SO-PIN]
Please type again to verify: [SO-PIN]
Unblock Code for New User PIN (Optional - press return for no PIN).
Please enter User unblocking PIN (PUK):
New User PIN.
Please enter User PIN: [PIN]
Please type again to verify: [PIN]
Unblock Code for New User PIN (Optional - press return for no PIN).
Please enter User unblocking PIN (PUK):

# write an object
 > ./pkcs15-init --store-certificate ~/.globus/usercert.pem  --auth-id 
01 --id 123456 --format pem
Using reader with a card: Aladdin eToken PRO 64k
User PIN required.
Please enter User PIN: [PIN]
Security officer PIN [Security Officer PIN] required.
Please enter Security officer PIN [Security Officer PIN]: [SO-PIN]

# now erase the card
 > ./pkcs15-init -E
Using reader with a card: Aladdin eToken PRO 64k
PIN [Security Officer PIN] required.
Please enter PIN [Security Officer PIN]: [SO-PIN]
Unspecified PIN [reference 3] required.
Please enter Unspecified PIN [reference 3]: [PIN]

The unspecified pin 'reference 3' is actually the user pin ...

other than that (and other than that I still need a bleeding-edge pcsc 
version for the Feitian cards to work correctly) this version looks great!

share and enjoy,

JJK / Jan Just Keijser

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