Perhaps anyone can help me:

Now that my DNIe has died [1] I'm trying to get dni code to be aware of this 

¿What's the standard way to tell libopensc that a card has been invalidated?, 
that is: the card is recognized, 
but cannot operate with it because manipulation detected, too many pin entry 
errors, or so

Not sure on other cards, but DNIe mark this situation by mean of change on ATR 
status code from 03 90 00 to
0F 65 81 (Memory error). Not sure what to do if detected this situation:

- The actual code: do not recognize the card as to be handled by the module
- Recognize the card, but return error (¿What is the proper error code?) on any 
requested operation

A good task to code until going to police office to re-enable my card :-)


Juan Antonio
opensc-devel mailing list

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