On Thu, 2010-09-23 at 16:46 +0300, Martin Paljak wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sep 23, 2010, at 1:59 AM, Andre Zepezauer wrote:
> > The meaning of max_recv_size is still unknown to me. Could someone
> > explain it to me, please. Btw, one of these changes has broken 2048b
> > keys for CardOS. It may be caused by the fact, that 2048b keys (and
> > corresponding cryptograms) are exactly 256 byte in size.
> Ideally, it should not exist, all cards and readers could do with 255/256 as 
> the maximum Lc/Le values (including 0=256).
> In real life, there are apparently deficiencies in hardware/software, either 
> smart card reader and driver or the smart card itself.
> (I used to have a serial smart card reader that required setting it to 242, 
> if I remember correctly).
> I don't know if anyone uses it to force values based on the used reader, but 
> there are also a bunch of cards that limit this because they know the card 
> can't handle more:

This is an excerpt form a previous post [1]

"Number Lr (length of response data) is the number of bytes present in
the data field of the response APDU. [...]  ***Number Lr shall be in the
range zero to number Le.***"

In my opinion it means, that the card is always free to send less than
Le bytes. Therefore it should be safe to always request Le=sizeof(rbuf)
bytes. Checking the actual number of bytes received is required anyway.

There could be a reader of cause, which limits the size of transmitted
APDUs. But looking at this table [2], I am not sure if this is a problem
OpenSC should care about. Maybe Ludovic Rousseau could tell us more
about the meaning of these numbers.

[2] http://pcsclite.alioth.debian.org/ccid/dwMaxCCIDMessageLength.html

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