De :
Martin Paljak <>
François Leblanc <>
Cc :
24/09/2010 10:14
Objet :
Re: [opensc-devel] Patch to let carmod working after multiple reader 
system removal.

>Hello François,
>Can you please configure you mail client to not send HTML messages to the 

Ok Guillaume Jean give me tip to do it, hope this time it's working...

>On Sep 24, 2010, at 9:08 AM, wrote:

>> >Please describe how the driver is used by the minidriver, how it 
differs from "normal" OpenSC use, what are the biggest and most 
>>important  differences between the "normal" pcsc code and the cardmod 
>> This has already been discuted summary windows process provide pcsc 
handle and context and you need to use them 
>> you can't open context, create handle and access to the card (it's the 
goal to use opensc under windows) 
>> When you insert card under windows, windows detect this insertion open 
context and create handle with card and give you 
>> this informations to your dll to manage card, so you can see that with 
this process you can'ty create handle to your card since 
>> the card is already connected ... 
>That's the description what BaseCSP does with PC/SC handles. It does not 
describe possible solutions how to accommodate the >requirement in OpenSC. 
Nor how the rest of OpenSC should cope with it.

Possible solution to accomodate the requirement have already be seen, I've 
choice one, you talk about another one
with env varables (for me env or registry is quite the same and don't 
change really the trouble...)
For the rest of opensc I don't see what you mean  opensc should work like 
it do now... 

>> >Minidriver code calls sc_create_context like other applications, with 
the difference that a card handle is already present in >the >minidriver 
code and does not need to be fetched via libopensc calls and connected to 
with a sc_connect
>> >So you decided you pass the handles around to the libopensc instance 
in windows registry (not environment variables as was in >>another 
incarnation of OpenSC + BaseCSP). 
>> Could you provide working example of incarnation of OpenSC + BaseCSP ? 
>I don't know how much the code @ [1] works or not, but I'm talking about 
passing in the context and card handle.
>> >This means a single instance of an OpenSC based card and reader by 
default. Why not use the context creation parameters to pass >in 
>> After start of process an another one with other hanlde can be 
>I'm not convinced in windows registry being the best medium for function 
parameter passing.

Ok, feel free to implement another one, doesn't mind for me, my goal is to 
provide something working and that we can improve...

>> >the necessary handles? There is no IPC present and necessary 
modifications to the context creation functionality to accommodate 
>>BaseCSP requirements is perfectly reasonable argument to change those 
structures and add code. Especially now, when it is not >>exposed to 
outside world. 
>> I'm ok to pass pcsc handle and context with in the creation context 
parameters, but these are needing under pcsc driver, so 
>> I need a link between context creation parameters and reader-pcsc, this 
need more modification that using registry, or I miss >something... 
>(See below)

Ok, but you talk abourt a csp not a BaseCsp minidriver, is quite 

>> >Having a single reader driver greatly simplifies the architecture of 
OpenSC. It also simplifies the proper modifications needed >for >the 
"cardmod" driver.  You are free to patch the libopensc instance at runtime 
any way you want to get what you need. This >means >overloading the not 
needed functions from pcsc driver with NULL. And adding necessary logic to 
the rest of PC/SC functions >to >return early as needed.
>> >As is the case with the rest of reader driver, the decision what to 
build happens not at runtime, but at compile time. There are >>several 
restrictions to what can be put inside a minidriver, so I would build it 
as a single static dll instead.
>> I don't understand exactly what you mean, but I'm agree with the end 
building in one static dll will be better, unfortunatly I >don't known how 
to process for now. 
>Necessary modifications to context creation and the pcsc driver can be 
done with #ifdef ENABLE_CARDMOD.
>To be able to include the minidriver in the windows installer and to be 
able to develop it further, it would be nice to have:
> * the purpose, definition, and overall architecture described, so that 
something could be understood without digging through the >code.

Ok added some link to wiki page, Microsoft will explain it better than me.

> * easily buildable and the build process repeatable, with enough 
instructions in the wiki to accomplish this

The build process is already integrated. Instruction to build are 
provided. If one have trouble to build send
list message and we will see how to improve process or complete 

> * properly integrated with OpenSC, this means both pcsc requirements as 
necessary context handling requirements and whatever else >is needed.

This don't meet the trouble to build static dll, since cardmod is working 
requirements and else are filled. What is needed is how to include 
libopensc.dll and other used by opensc (opensc and not cardmod, 
requirements are opensc requirements not cardmod requirements) to be 
static in opensc-cardmod.dll it's this point that I don't known how to do.

I don't understand why you need to known the complete process how work 
opensc-cardmod.dll etc etc just to build a static dll
compound of the actual cardmod.c and libopensc.dll (+ other dll used by 
libopensc like libtool etc etc)? It's not possible to
do this? Perhaps Alon who seems to know very well autotools can help to 
answer this question? 



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