
Well this is just something we (and our customers) have encountered with the
readers that we have tested.
I don't know what causes the limitation (probably not the reader itself,
because they work in windows just fine). 
So it might be in pcsc-lite, the ccid driver or something to do with usb in

Readers we have tested are:
- Gemalto Twin Reader
- and some OmniKey reader (maybe 3121 if remember correctly)

All of these have the same issue, so I suspect that they are not the cause
of the problem. 
Many of our customers have had the same problem and setting this value has
helped also them, so it is not only in our environment.

We have not investigated this further, because this setting solves the
problem, and does not affect performance that much that it would matter.

Kind regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andre Zepezauer [mailto:andre.zepeza...@student.uni-halle.de]
> Sent: 12. tammikuuta 2011 0:21
> To: Aventra development
> Cc: opensc-devel
> Subject: Misleading information about capabilities of readers
> Hello,
> the wiki page of MyEID [1] contains the following paragraph:
> "Many readers don't support receiving the default amount of data (254).
> Problems will only appear when reading larger files from the card (e.g.
> certificates). So if you have problems with reading the card with no
> apparent reason, try to set this to e.g. 192, to be on the safe side.
> You can then try to iterate to find the maximum for your card reader."
> That statement is simply wrong, because every USB reader can handle
> Short-APDUs of every size. For that reason no other card has similar
> problems.
> If there are readers that don't work properly with MyEID, then list them
> explicitly by name. That would definitely of more help to users then
> such a vague statement like "Many readers don't support [...]".
> Regards
> Andre
> [1] http://www.opensc-project.org/opensc/wiki/MyEID

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