On 14.03.2011 13:56, Douglas E. Engert wrote:
> On 3/12/2011 1:40 PM, Viktor TARASOV wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For container's GUID I propose to adopt the classic serialized form 
>> (ex.{3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301})
>> used by Windows containers.
>> In this patch there is also little simplification of the key research, and 
>> some minor remarks.
> (I am on vacation, so have not looked closely at the modification.
> I cannot test anything until next week.)
> What I had tried to do was use the card serial number || ID of the key.
> It looks like you are doing this.

I do not change the 'binary source' of GUID, as it was done by François -- ID 
|| serial.
When 'intrinsic' object ID (SHA1) is used, the serial number do not participate 
in the GUID derivation.

> The Windows 7 built in driver for the PIV card was doing something like this.
Can you verify it?

> I don't think the OpenSC containerID should match the W7 containerID
> as there might be some confusion over which driver should be used.

I'm slightly confused, the driver to be used  is associated to the key 
container or to the card's ATR ?
I've had an impression that this association is defined by 
...\Cryptography\Calais\SmartCard\*  registers .
Is it possible to have more then one crypto provider for the same card ?

Does there any difference in the card manipulation between the PIV card 
producer's driver and the OpenSC driver ?
(One can do more/less then other ?)

Viktor Tarasov  <viktor.tara...@opentrust.com>

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