Le mardi 05 avril 2011 à 12:56 +0200, Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE a
écrit :

1) OpenSC installation

There seems to be a problem with OpenSC installation.
When running opensc-tool.exe --atr, I have the following error:

"The program can't start because opensc.dll is missing from your

2) Cardmod.inf
Also, cardmod.inf in SVN does not seem to be usable as it contains
placeholders. Could it be included in OpenSC nighly builds?

I tried using the stock cardmod.inf file in SVN, only changing the card
reference. Certutil returns:

SCinfo command failed
0x2 <win32:2>
The system cannot find the file specified.

I am getting close ... but it still does not work.
Any working cardmod.inf would be appreciated. 

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze - http://www.gooze.eu

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