Le mardi 05 avril 2011 à 13:25 +0200, Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE a
écrit :
> Cardmod.inf

I switched back to OpenSC x32 installer (nightly builds).

There is the following error:


C:\Users\jmpoure>certutil.exe -SCinfo
The Microsoft Smart Card Resource Manager is running.
Current reader/card status:
Readers: 1
  0: FT SCR301 CCID Smart Card 301 0
--- Reader: FT SCR301 CCID Smart Card 301 0
--- Status: The card is available for use.
---   Card:
---    ATR:
        3b 9f 95 81 31 fe 9f 00  65 46 53 05 30 06 71
df   ;...1...eFS.0.q.
        00 00 00 81 61 0e d8                               ....a..

Analyzing card in reader: FT SCR301 CCID Smart Card 301 0
SCardGetCardTypeProviderName: The system cannot find the file specified.
0x2 (WI
N32: 2)
Cannot retrieve Provider Name for SCardGetCardTypeProviderName: The
system canno
t find the file specified. 0x2 (WIN32: 2)
Cannot retrieve Provider Name for

CertUtil: -SCInfo command FAILED: 0x2 (WIN32: 2)
CertUtil: The system cannot find the file specified.

Should I also modify:
\SmartCards\Cev Westcos"
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze - http://www.gooze.eu

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