
Le 11/05/2011 14:48, HOURY William a écrit :
>  Please find attached the new logs generated after a fresh reboot. Apparently 
> the sc_compute_signature function fails returning -1211 (Security status not 
> satisfied)
>  I can also provide the successful logs of a SSL connection using IE with the 
> same card/PC if it may help to understand the issue.

According to the logs before computing signature your SoPIN (ref:2) was 
successfully verified.
I suppose you have the same value for PIN (ref:4) and SoPIN.

It's the bug of minidriver. When verifying PIN in CardAuthenticatePin() it 
takes the first available PIN objects, and, in your case it's the SoPIN.

The correction itself is rather simple. The same bug was affecting the 
CardAuthenticateEx() and it was resolved for this function in r5270.

I can made the changes to trunk, but I have no possibility to test it rapidly.
So, if this risk could be accepted, you can try the next nightly installer.

> Thanks
> William

Kind wishes,

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *De :*Jozsef Dojcsak [mailto:d...@t-online.hu]
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 11 mai 2011 13:54
> *À :* HOURY William
> *Objet :* Re: [opensc-devel] Windows Smart Card Logon issue with OpenSC 12.1 
> RC1 & Athena ASEPCOS card
> According to the opensc-debug.log, the login process was aborted right at the 
> beginning, after retrieving the "cardid".
> ...
> 2011-05-11 10:53:35.298 return cardid 
> 2011-05-11 10:53:35.298 --- 00E9F1E8:26
> 2011-05-11 10:53:35.298  0000  30433037 35343830 35313232 31463232  00000000 
> 00000000 0000
> 2011-05-11 10:53:35.298 
> P:816 T:3860 pCardData:00EB6520 
> 2011-05-11 10:53:35.298 CardDeleteContext
> ...
> although the returned cardid seems to be valid. This CardDeleteContext may 
> also happen if the resource manager already maintains a card handle to this 
> card. So if you repeat your test after a fresh reboot, the opesc-debug.log 
> could contain more relevant error messages about the hash signing problem.
> Cheers,
> Jozsef
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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