Hello subscribers,

As laid out about one year ago, I'd like to merge opensc-devel and opensc-user 
mailing lists a few days after OpenSC 0.12.2 is released on 10.06.2011.
This will mean automagically subscribing all opensc-user subscribers to 
opensc-devel. I wish there was a list named opensc-list or something similar 
instead of opensc-devel, so that there was no temptation to start thinking 
along the lines of "users and developers are different creatures, thus they 
need separate lists". But opensc-devel has already great traction and the most 
potential at the moment, thus the current list with the same name should be 

This is a forward notice to those who definitely resist the idea, so that you 
could unsubscribe from opensc-user before the merge happens. 

The overall goal is to simplify the life of all people involved as well as to 
increase the "success rate" of posts:
 - traffic on opensc-user [2] is small compared to opensc-devel [1]
 - traffic on opensc-user has declined during the past year whereas traffic on 
opensc-devel has increased [1], [2]
 - subscribers of opensc-devel and opensc-user overlap ~30%: one list less to 
follow and manage for them
 - moderation (deleting caught spam, rescuing interesting e-mails from lazy 
posters (non-members, oversize attachments etc)) requires less work.
 - less confusion for new posters: they don't have to ask themselves "Which 
list should I post to?" or double-post
 - more subscribers in a single list means more eyes and brains on every posted 
problem, thus a bigger chance of getting a useful response from the community
  - what is the essence of a mailing list in the first place
 - splitting developer and user lists would make sense if the amount of posts 
(or topic noise) on a single list would be above a critical limit, which is 
IMHO not the case with OpenSC
 - many issues will anyway require developer intervention to become solved

There are also cons:
 - dislike and resulting unsubscribe from opensc-user subscribers who will 
start to see considerably more posts that maybe are not understandable to them
  - but developers would really need a better contact with users when 
developing software anyway and having inactive subscribers on a low volume 
mailing list makes not much sense either.
 - dislike and resulting unsubscribe from opensc-devel subscribers who see a 
slight increase of "boring small problems of casual users" type of posts
  - which should be a non-option, as most active developers seem to be 
subscribed to both lists anyway

If you have any *practical* concerns about this merge, please voice out now.



[1] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.opensc.devel
[2] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.opensc.user

opensc-devel mailing list

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