On 6/7/2011 7:43 AM, HOURY William wrote:
> Hi Douglas,
> When I performed the test with different cards , I did request a certificate 
> from my MS 2003 CA and then export it as a P12 , and finally import this P12 
> in both cards.
> Otherwise ,most of the time I use my tool which generates the keys on the 
> card , send a CSR to MS 2003 CA , retrieve the generated certificate and put 
> it into the card.
> I will try to play with the usernames.
> Yes the CA is an enterprise CA and is part of the domain.
> I'll try to put "blotito@PMTDOM.LOCAL" instead of "blotito@PMTDOM" but I was 
> thinking that if this would be an issue, we would face it every time and not 
> only  before the 1st reboot.

It should match the userPrincipalName attribute in the user's AD account.

The userPrincipalName was originally the Kerberos principal. Then with the
introduction of smart card support, Microsoft required it to be in the
subjectAltName:otherName:msUPN in the certificate. This worked well for an
enterprise CA, but meant the smart card was only usable with one domain.
  A 1-to-1 mapping between user and smart card.

They then relaxed this with 2003, and Kerberos would check both the
userPrincipalName and samAccountName@DOMAIN for a principal.
But the smart card cert still had to have a msUPN. Thus a card could be
used at multiple domains, if the msUPN was copied to the userPrincipalName.
(The US PIV cards for example come with a msUPN like 123456...@fedxxx.gov
so it can be used with 2003 and XP.) So all smart cards for the account have
to have the same msUPN and any code that expected the userPrincipalName
to be the real kerberos principal had to change.  (I do that with some of
my test cards and some admins that have 2 cards.)

With 2008 and Vista, the msUPN is not required, but then the certificate
has to be added to the user's account. Thus a many-to-many user-to-smart
card mapping is now possible. (IMHO, the code that should have implemented
in Windows 2000.)

> Yes the CA certificate is trusted by both the client and AD.
> Yes Clocks are in sync.
> Thanks !
> William
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : opensc-devel-boun...@lists.opensc-project.org 
> [mailto:opensc-devel-boun...@lists.opensc-project.org] De la part de Douglas 
> E. Engert
> Envoyé : lundi 6 juin 2011 16:07
> À : opensc-devel@lists.opensc-project.org
> Objet : Re: [opensc-devel] First Smartcard logon issue on XP SP3 with OpenSC 
> 12.1
> On 6/6/2011 2:46 AM, HOURY William wrote:
>> Hi Viktor,
>> After more testing, it appears that the issue cannot be reproduced with all 
>> my certificates but only some of them.
>> I put attached details about the cert I use most of the time.
> You say that you use the same certificate on multiple cards,
> This would imply that you copy the cert and the key?  But the cert
> you sent was generated on Jun 1, 2011, last week. So you must
> be generating new ones. Can you explain?
> Can you use different usernames in the different certs to test if
> the problems are related to some confusion in the client
> as to what certificate is on what smartcard.
> AD has a propagation delay, and if you are creating new certificates
> and trying to use them, a DC may not see the new certificate.
> Is the CA a Microsoft enterprise CA and part of the domain?
> There might be an issue with with NotBefore for a new cert if the
> client is not converting to local time, but comparing only the date.
> You had said that you were using Windows AD, and were using the
> smartcard to login to AD. For smartcard login to AD the msUPN should
> match the userPrincipalName attribute in the user's account in AD.
> openssl asn1parse -i -in BL_CertDetails.txt  -strparse 489 -dump
> shows the msUPN to be blotito@pmtdom
> The userPrincipalName usually has the username@REALM, where REALM is
> the Kerberos Realm name that is upper case, and is fully qualified.
> The AD domain is usually lower case and is often used with out being
> qualified. So based on other info in the cert, it appears that
> the domain name is pmtdom.local. So the msUPN should be
> blotito@PMTDOM.LOCAL
> Windows 2003 relaxed the restrictions, and the userPrincipalName
> still needs to match the msUPN, by may be something else,
> for example in our case something like: 123456...@xxxxxx.gov
> (Windows 2008 and the Vista and W7 with the CNG, can go further
> and don't require the msUPN, but AFAIK, XP still does.)
> Is the CA certificate trusted by both the client, and the AD?
> Are clocks in sync.
> The subject has C, ST, O, OU and emailAddress as NULL. Usually
> these would have a value, or not be present at all.
>> Thanks
>> William
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Viktor Tarasov [mailto:viktor.tara...@gmail.com]
>> Envoyé : vendredi 3 juin 2011 16:53
>> À : Viktor Tarasov
>> Cc : HOURY William; opensc-devel@lists.opensc-project.org
>> Objet : Re: [opensc-devel] First Smartcard logon issue on XP SP3 with OpenSC 
>> 12.1
>> Le 03/06/2011 09:21, Viktor Tarasov a écrit :
>>> Le 03/06/2011 09:06, HOURY William a écrit :
>>>> Hi Viktor,
>>>> I have other middlewares installed but I have disabled all the proprietary 
>>>> certificate propagation tools and only activated the windows one (the 
>>>> sccertprop registry value is well set).
>>> Ok, once more it hasn't worked. Thank you.
>>> Will try to reproduce.
>> For a while I cannot reproduce.
>> The test was done with the card:
>> Athena ASEPCOS
>> atr: 3b:d6:18:00:81:b1:80:7d:1f:03:80:51:00:61:10:30:8f.
>> Card initialized with the following commands:
>> # pkcs15-init -E
>> # pkcs15-init -C --label "IDX-SCM" -P --auth-id 53434D --so-pin "12345678" 
>> --so-puk "123456" --pin "9999" --puk "8888"
>> Pkcs#12 with the 'SmartcardLogon' + 'Client Authentication' certificate is 
>> imported by :
>> # pkcs15-init -a 53434D --label "basic user smartcard logon" -S 
>> basic_user.p12 -f pkcs12 --passphrase coucou  --so-pin "12345678" --pin 
>> "9999" --key-usage digitalSignature,dataEncipherment --cert-label "basic 
>> user smartcard logon"
>> (Don't know why with the key usage derived from the certificate extensions 
>> it's not worked.)
>> The first login to AD on the XP platform is OK .
>> Also works the sequence 'clean-up personal key store'>   log-off>   log-in.
>> Kind regards,
>> Viktor.
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  Douglas E. Engert  <deeng...@anl.gov>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444
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