
I made my github master branch [1] be in sync with whatever gets commited to 
SVN, for now.

All builds are successful from the Git master branch [2], including a snapshot 
tarball [3] of the source (also managed by Jenkins [4], not an internal 

Slight changes are needed to support a change from SVN to Git, basically 
generating the ChangeLog file [5]. Gnome has also some thoughts on Git and 
ChangeLogs [6] 

One thing that needs to be dealt with is opensc-commits, which also includes 
source code changes as they happen. And Trac changes. 33 people subscribe to 
opensc-commits. Ideas on how to manage that? What about RSS?

It would be nice to split some "focus areas" to people who would deal with them 
on "daily basis", like Windows, OSX, PKCS#11, Initialization, PKCS#15 
conformance/libopensc core and set up separate builders for those 
branches/developers. So that individual changes could be aggregated and pulled 
in bigger sets for releases.

Thoughts, comments, questions, suggestions?


[1] https://github.com/martinpaljak/OpenSC/
[2] http://martinpaljak.net:8888/view/Github/
[3] http://www.opensc-project.org/downloads/nightly/tarball/
[4] http://martinpaljak.net:8888/view/Github/job/Github_continuous_tarball/
[5] https://github.com/martinpaljak/OpenSC/compare/github-transition
[6] http://live.gnome.org/Git/ChangeLog

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