On 8/7/2011 10:10 AM, Thomas De Reyck wrote:
> Dear OpenSC developers,
> Last month I've sent the below message to the opensc-user mailing list.
> However, the lack of a response suggests that no other user is aware of
> a solution to this problem. I am wondering if someone on this developer
> mailing list can perhaps have a look. If this is not the purpose of this
> mailing list, then I apologize.
> Either way, thank you in advance for having a look.

Try turning on debugging in OpenSC. In the opensc.conf file set
debug = 7;
debug_file = /tmp/opensc-debug.log;

This might show why it is marked as unsupported of why it is failing.

> Kind regards,
> Thomas De Reyck
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: SmartCafe Expert 3.2 72K works fine in some versions but is an
> "unsupported card" in other versions.
> Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 17:36:24 +0200
> From: Thomas De Reyck<tho...@dereyck.eu>
> To: opensc-u...@lists.opensc-project.org
> Dear OpenSC users,
> I was wondering if any of you could assist me with the following:
> I have been able to set up the Muscle Applet on a SmartCafe Expert 3.2
> 72K smartcard. My original
> experimentation was performed on a Debian Squeeze system, with the
> OpenSC provided by Debian.
> The OpenSC version used is: 0.11.13 (according to opensc-tool)
> However, an important aspect for this project, is having the smart
> card work on Mac OS X 10.6 as well. But
> here I have found the following issues:
> - Using the latest version of OpenSC for Mac: 0.12.1
>    - Source:
> http://www.opensc-project.org/files/opensc/OpenSC-0.12.1-10.6.dmg
>    - Installation works fine, however, when I try to work with the
> card, it is unsupported:
>> pkcs15-tool -D
>> Using reader with a card: OmniKey CardMan 3121 00 00
>> PKCS#15 binding failed: Unsupported card
>    - Can read ATR from opensc-tool.
>    - PKCS#11 module doesn't work.
>    - OpenSC.tokend doesn't work either.
> - Using the latest SCA deprecated version: SCA-0.2.8
>    - Source: http://www.opensc-project.org/files/sca/sca-0.2.8.dmg
>    - Installation works fine.
>    - pkcs15-tool -D works fine.
>    - Can read ATR from opensc-tool.
>    - Tokend works on 32-bit based systems, but does not work on 64-bit
> systems. Probably normal, since this is a deprecated version.
>    - PKCS#11 module works fine in Firefox and Adobe Reader.
> - Just for testing: When I use a Windows 7 computer, and install
> either the 32- or 64-bit version, I also get the "Unsupported Card"
> error
> on that computer.
> Of course, it is my goal to have this working with a recent version,
> with both PKCS#11 and tokend support. Perhaps PKCS#11 and tokend
> are functional in the latest available version, but because of the
> "Unsupported Card" error, I cannot test this.
> Is there any way to mark my card as supported? Can I do so myself? Do
> I need to report this as a bug?
> Should I perhaps forward this request somewhere else?
> Thank you in advance,
> Thomas De Reyck
> More Info:
> Smartcard:
> http://www.smartcardfocus.com/shop/ilp/id~521/SmartCafe_Expert_3_2_72K/p/index.shtml
> ATR: 3b:f7:18:00:00:80:31:fe:45:73:66:74:65:2d:6e:66:c4
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