Dear OpenSC developers,

I am still experiencing the problem described in my previous e-mails.
I'm still hoping that perhaps
any of you might know the answer to this issue. I will summarize and
try to further clarify the problem:

I have:
- a smartcard: Muscle Applet on a SmartCafe Expert 3.2 72K
- a card reader: OmniKey CardMan 3121

I run the following command: pkcs15-tool -D

- Scenario 1: On Debian Squeeze Linux (opensc from debian repository):
Works perfectly.

- Scenario 2: On Mac OS X, with latest versions of opensc: Doesn't
work: Unsupported Card error (see failure.txt in attachment for debug
However, in about one in a hundred tries (disconnect/reconnect
reader), it suddenly works (see success.txt in attachment for debug
(even with tokend), but then after a disconnect it stops working.

- Scenario 3: On Mac OS X, with SCA-0.2.8: Command works, but tokend
doesn't, probably because SCA being too old to work with recent
versions of tokend.
Because of this, it doesn't really provide complete support since the
Smart Card does not appear in the keychain.

- Scenario 4: On Windows, with latest versions of opensc: Doesn't
work: Unsupported Card error
This is not yet relevant for me now, just thought I should mention
that it doesn't work in Windows either.

To resolve the problem, I have tried:
- Forcing the driver to "muscle". -> No success.
- Adding the ATR of the card to the config. -> No success.

Does the above make sense to someone on this mailing list? I can't
seem to find a way to resolve this issue.
Any help, hint or suggestion would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Thomas De Reyck

2011/8/12 Thomas De Reyck <>:
> Dear OpenSC developers,
> I used the opensc config file to force the driver to muscle on this
> new version, and I could read a smartcard
> one time. Afterwards, I unplugged it, replugged, but it will not work
> again, not even after restarting pcscd.
> I have included the debug log from a "pkcs15-tool -D" from the
> successful attempt, so it can be compared with the unsuccessful
> log I've sent in earlier.
> I don't think me forcing the muscle driver has actually been the cause
> of making it work once. Just got lucky this time I guess.
> If anyone has any clue as what might have triggered this, please let me know.
> Also, has anyone noticed that using opensc-tool --list-drivers
> displays the "muscle" driver twice? Is this normal? An example is
> also included at the bottom of the attached log.
> Thanks in advance,
> Thomas
> 2011/8/7 Thomas De Reyck <>:
>> Dear OpenSC developers,
>> Last month I've sent the below message to the opensc-user mailing list.
>> However, the lack of a response suggests that no other user is aware of
>> a solution to this problem. I am wondering if someone on this developer
>> mailing list can perhaps have a look. If this is not the purpose of this
>> mailing list, then I apologize.
>> Either way, thank you in advance for having a look.
>> Kind regards,
>> Thomas De Reyck
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: SmartCafe Expert 3.2 72K works fine in some versions but is an
>> "unsupported card" in other versions.
>> Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 17:36:24 +0200
>> From: Thomas De Reyck <>
>> To:
>> Dear OpenSC users,
>> I was wondering if any of you could assist me with the following:
>> I have been able to set up the Muscle Applet on a SmartCafe Expert 3.2
>> 72K smartcard. My original
>> experimentation was performed on a Debian Squeeze system, with the
>> OpenSC provided by Debian.
>> The OpenSC version used is: 0.11.13 (according to opensc-tool)
>> However, an important aspect for this project, is having the smart
>> card work on Mac OS X 10.6 as well. But
>> here I have found the following issues:
>> - Using the latest version of OpenSC for Mac: 0.12.1
>>  - Source:
>>  - Installation works fine, however, when I try to work with the
>> card, it is unsupported:
>>> pkcs15-tool -D
>>> Using reader with a card: OmniKey CardMan 3121 00 00
>>> PKCS#15 binding failed: Unsupported card
>>  - Can read ATR from opensc-tool.
>>  - PKCS#11 module doesn't work.
>>  - OpenSC.tokend doesn't work either.
>> - Using the latest SCA deprecated version: SCA-0.2.8
>>  - Source:
>>  - Installation works fine.
>>  - pkcs15-tool -D works fine.
>>  - Can read ATR from opensc-tool.
>>  - Tokend works on 32-bit based systems, but does not work on 64-bit
>> systems. Probably normal, since this is a deprecated version.
>>  - PKCS#11 module works fine in Firefox and Adobe Reader.
>> - Just for testing: When I use a Windows 7 computer, and install
>> either the 32- or 64-bit version, I also get the "Unsupported Card"
>> error
>> on that computer.
>> Of course, it is my goal to have this working with a recent version,
>> with both PKCS#11 and tokend support. Perhaps PKCS#11 and tokend
>> are functional in the latest available version, but because of the
>> "Unsupported Card" error, I cannot test this.
>> Is there any way to mark my card as supported? Can I do so myself? Do
>> I need to report this as a bug?
>> Should I perhaps forward this request somewhere else?
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Thomas De Reyck
>> More Info:
>> Smartcard:
>> ATR: 3b:f7:18:00:00:80:31:fe:45:73:66:74:65:2d:6e:66:c4

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