Writing card drivers is quite difficult. That's why Microsoft introduced the 

The driver model has been very successful for printers since printers have 
widely different characteristics. Cryptographic operations OTOH leave very 
little (if any) room for variations.

Although cards may differ in features, using unified high-level APIs like the 
MiniDriver this will either be hard to access or more likely: /Never be 

Open question: Since the MiniDriver gives a unified card API, wouldn't it be 
easier defining a FIXED API/DRIVER and rather let the cards adapt to that? 
Certifying a gazillion third-party drivers
including multiple card versions doesn't appear to be a particularly swift 

With a fully unified card API you can target all cards with a fairly simple 
test-suite and delegate the certification to the card vendors. This should 
dramatically improve system reliability which
always has been a weak point, particularly for consumer computers.

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