I need log to be able to help.
If th ui canno handle this, try without ui.
This UI uses the management interface in order to provide the
passphrase at port 11196.
You can telnet this port and see management-notes.txt of how to work with it.
Or.. To open a bug within the ui so it be able to enable more logging.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 7:01 PM,  <busin...@reebs.org> wrote:
> This does not work.
> If I set Verb above 7 I get following loop under Command Line and GUI:
> http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/unbenanntrg.jpg/
> until it fails.
> If I set "log filename.txt" in the configuration file and run from CLI,
> it will go up to the point where pin is required but then fail as it
> cannot get pin from stdin (btw using win32 version on win Xp and card is
> former Cryptoflex from gemalto):
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:24 2011 us=984000 SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read
> server certificate request A
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:24 2011 us=984000 SSL state (connect): SSLv3 read
> server done A
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:24 2011 us=984000 SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write
> client certificate A
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 SSL state (connect): SSLv3 write
> client key exchange A
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: __pkcs11h_openssl_enc
> entered - flen=36, from=0022F080, to=00DAF33E, rsa=00D5CAA8, padding=1
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: Performing signature
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: pkcs11h_certificate_signAny
> entry certificate=00D5E088, mech_type=1, source=0022F080,
> source_size=00000024, target=00DAF33E, *p_target_size=00000100
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: Getting key attributes
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> __pkcs11h_certificate_getKeyAttributes entry certificate=00D5E088
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_session_freeObjectAttributes entry attrs=0022EEA0, count=4
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_session_freeObjectAttributes return
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: Get private key attributes
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_certificate_resetSession entry certificate=00D5E088,
> public_only=0, session_mutex_locked=1
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_session_getObjectById entry session=00D6AD10, class=3,
> id=00D6AD00, id_size=00000001, p_handle=00D5E098
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_validate
> entry session=00D6AD10
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_validate
> session->pin_expire_time=0, time=1317225085
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_validate
> return rv=0-'CKR_OK'
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_session_findObjects entry session=00D6AD10, filter=0022EDC0,
> filter_attrs=2, p_objects=0022EDDC, p_objects_found=0022EDD8
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_session_findObjects return rv=0-'CKR_OK', *p_objects_found=0
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_session_getObjectById return rv=512-'CKR_FUNCTION_REJECTED',
> *p_handle=ffffffff
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_login
> entry session=00D6AD10, is_publicOnly=0, readonly=1, user_data=00000000,
> mask_prompt=00000003
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_logout
> entry session=00D6AD10
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_logout
> return
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_reset
> entry session=00D6AD10, user_data=00000000, mask_prompt=00000003,
> p_slot=0022EDDC
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_reset
> Expected token manufacturerID='OpenSC Project' model='PKCS#15',
> serialNumber='0001D049FFFF0000', label='OpenSC Card (xxx yyy)'
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_session_getSlotList entry provider=00D63DD0, token_present=1,
> pSlotList=0022E96C, pulCount=0022E968
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11:
> _pkcs11h_session_getSlotList return rv=0-'CKR_OK' *pulCount=1
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_token_getTokenId
> entry p_token_id=0022E964
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_token_newTokenId
> entry p_token_id=0022E85C
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_token_newTokenId
> return rv=0-'CKR_OK', *p_token_id=00DA9728
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_token_getTokenId
> return rv=0-'CKR_OK', *p_token_id=00DA9728
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_reset
> Found token manufacturerID='OpenSC Project' model='PKCS#15',
> serialNumber='0001D049FFFF0000', label='OpenSC Card (xxx yyy)'
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: pkcs11h_token_freeTokenId
> entry certificate_id=00DA9728
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: pkcs11h_token_freeTokenId
> return
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: _pkcs11h_session_reset
> return rv=0-'CKR_OK', *p_slot=1
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 PKCS#11: Calling pin_prompt hook for
> 'OpenSC Card (xxx yyy)'
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 ERROR: could not not read OpenSC
> Card (xxx yyy) token password from stdin
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 Exiting
> Wed Sep 28 17:51:25 2011 us=796000 Closing Win32 semaphore
> 'openvpn_netcmd'
> On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 18:30:14 +0300, Alon Bar-Lev
> <alon.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> set verb 255 and log to a file.
>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 5:10 PM,  <busin...@reebs.org> wrote:
>>> Yes now download works!!!
>>> However still not able to connect.
>>> I tried both command line and GUI. Same issue:
>>> 1- After it ask for PIN and I enter PIN it immediately asks for the PIN
>>> again
>>> 2- It then tries to connect, but nothing happens
>>> 3- After 60 seconde it times out
>>> 4- Start another connection attempt
>>> 5- It asks for PIN and after I enter it it immediately fails and back
>>> to point no. 4 until I break
>>> Last working version is 009, 010 and 011 have very same issue.
>>> Here is the command line LOG (short form):
>>> On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 16:04:24 +0300, Alon Bar-Lev
>>> <alon.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Now?
>>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 4:01 PM,  <busin...@reebs.org> wrote:
>>>>> Alon,
>>>>> I believe there is a permission issue with the new files:
>>>>>> Forbidden
>>>>>> You don't have permission to access /downloads/users/alonbl/build/opensc-
>>>>>> i686-w64-mingw32-011-engine_pkcs11.tar.bz2 on this server.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> On Wed, 28 Sep 2011 15:40:00 +0300, Alon Bar-Lev
>>>>> <alon.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Use build-011
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 1:39 PM, <busin...@reebs.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> any clue what is wrong?! :(
>>>>>>> Rgds
>>>>>>> On Sun, 25 Sep 2011 18:38:39 +0200, <busin...@reebs.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> > Hello All,
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Currently I am having troubles to get the latest build (32bit) of
>>>>>>> > prebuild OpenVPN/OpenSC/OpenSSL to work alltogether. These are found
>>>>>>> > here:
>>>>> ....
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