Dear all,

Just a quick note that we ordered a bunch of SCM and ACS pinpads and 
will distribute them for free to interested developers to study / fix 
OpenSC / libccid PINPAD issues. We don't have the readers yet, but will
receive them within a week or so.

This being said, I have a question about ACS PINPAD keyboard. It seems
that PINPAD keyboard cannot be used, although it is detected. 

PCSCD is latest version 1.7.4. libacsccid is installed from Debian SID.
libacsccid is a fork of libccid 1.3.11 with some fixes. 

The test is done with a Feitian PKI initialized with:
* pkcs15-init -E
* pkcs15-init --create-pkcs15 --profile pkcs15+onepin
--use-default-transport-key --pin 0000 --puk 111111 --label "François

So far, so good. Then I run:
sudo LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel=0x000F pcscd --foreground --debug --apdu

The log is:

I can use the smartcard reader without problem. Here is an output of
pkcs15-tool --dump. The PINPAD keyboard and display seem to be detected
by OpenSC. The problem is that the display and the keyboard are not
being used afterwards.

An example log is:

When trying to change PIN code, 
ACS APG8201 00 00
Enter old PIN [User PIN]: 
Enter new PIN [User PIN]: 
Enter new PIN again [User PIN]: 

The pins are asked by command prompt. 
I tried to type on PINPAD keyboard, without result. 

An example log is:

The same problem appear under Windows7 with OpenSC. Although ACS ccid
drivers are installed, the PINPAD keybord and display cannot be used.

Any idea? If you need more logs, please tell us. The logs can be
donwloaded during 30 days from this post.

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze -

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