2011/11/2 Martin Paljak <mar...@martinpaljak.net>:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 12:28, Johannes Becker
> <johannes.bec...@hrz.uni-giessen.de> wrote:
>> A log file produced on Mac OS X 10.6.8 can be found on
>> http://www.uni-giessen.de/~g013/opensc/opensc-OSX-CardOS-debug.log
> It seems there is a "transaction failed" error when sending 266 bytes,
> which seems to be an extended APDU issue. The problem is most probably
> in the driver for your reader, which can't do extended ADPU-s. One
> option might be (might nor work) to limit "max_send_size" in
> opensc.conf to something smaller.

A previous SCardControl command failed.
0x128792000 10:24:04.4294968141 [opensc-pkcs11] sec.c:157:sc_pin_cmd:
called0x128792000 10:24:04.4294968141 [opensc-pkcs11]
reader-pcsc.c:1536:pcsc_pin_cmd: called0x128792000
10:24:04.140733193388877 [opensc-pkcs11]
reader-pcsc.c:176:pcsc_internal_transmit: called0x128792000
10:24:04.140733193388877 [opensc-pkcs11]
reader-pcsc.c:202:pcsc_internal_transmit: KOBIL EMV CAP - SecOVID
Reader III 00 00:SCardTransmit/Control failed: 0x180100004
Some comments:
- the pinpad command is not logged. I think that would be a good idea
to have it. I don't know exactly where in the code to add the dump.
- the error code is 0x180100004. The first 1 (MSB) is very suspect.
The real error value should be 0x80100004 for
SCARD_E_INVALID_PARAMETER. I have no idea where this '1' comes from.

Martin is right. OpenSC is sending an extended APDU with a data length
of 00 01 01 = 257 bytes.
Your reader "KOBIL EMV CAP - SecOVID Reader III" is in my list [1].
The version of the reader I have (firmware 0.39) _does_ support
extended APDU.

Can you run the procedure at [2] so I can check your reader?


[1] http://pcsclite.alioth.debian.org/ccid/supported.html#0x0D460x3010
[2] http://pcsclite.alioth.debian.org/ccid.html#CCID_compliant

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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