On 11/9/2011 11:39 AM, Viktor Tarasov wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to 'touch' the PKCS#11 module of OpenSC and looking for your 
> opinions/suggestions about:
> - removing of 'pkcs15init' framework;

Would you keep the functionality of the pkcs15init, and support it with the 
pkcs15 framework?
Parts of the current pkcs15init code that I am interested in is required to 
for PKCS#11 session objects. For example the C_DeriveKey output is returned as 
a session key object.
Session objects may reside on the card or only in the software, depending how a 
does a key derivation.

> - configurable support of the multi on-card applications and multi-pins;
> - removing the 'one-pin' version of pkcs#11 module (or rather replacing it 
> with particular case of the configuration);
> - no separate slot for public objects.

The support for mutli on-card applications, would be good. The PIV-card, for 
example, is really
an on-card application, and any support to select card/application drivers 
based on application
rather then just ATR could be useful.

> The proposed PKCS#11 configuration concerns creating of slots, its 
> authentication objects and its content.
> Possibilities are:
>    - 'all' -- actual behavior -- slot for every non-sopin, non-unblock PINs 
> and optionally for PUK;
>      All public objects in the limit of one on-card application are 
> associated to the first 'User PIN' slot.
>    - combinations of symbolic PIN names: 'user', 'sign' and 'application', 
> where important combination are:
>    -- if only 'user' (one-pin) used, the unique slot will contains private 
> objects from the all on-card applications
>       which are protected by corresponding card's PIN. (In the 
> multi-application cards, the same global card's PIN could be
>       referenced by the pkcs#15 'authentication' object from more then one 
> on-card application).
> Other private objects are not visibles (For ex. the ones protected by 
> SignPIN).
>       To this slot also added all public objects from the all on-card 
> applications.
>       (This configuration is suitable for FF).
> -- 'user' + 'sign' -- the same as previous with exception that second slot is 
> created for the
>       private object protected by 'sign' PIN and this object's public 
> 'friends'.
>       (This configuration could be useful for FF, and Thunderbird).
> -- 'application' -- one slot per on-card application. So that there is the 
> possibility to differentiate
>      the  on-card application with the PKCS#11 API. (Equivalent of the 
> '--aid' option in the pkcs15(init) tools).
>      (This configuration mostly for initializing of the on-card applications 
> with the PKCS#11 API.)
> -- 'application' + 'sign' the same as 'all' without optional slot for PUK.

How would all of this effect existing card drivers?

Are the above configurations based on the card or some configuration file?

> Kind wishes,
> Viktor.
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