Le 8 avril 2012 12:18, Anton Svensson <n00b1...@hotmail.com> a écrit :
> Here is from a pcscd --foreground --debug when running opensc-tool --atr
> http://pastebin.com/M7MitnZm
> When running the tool, i also get this:
> "Using reader with a card: Gemalto GemPC Twin 00 00"
> "Failed to connect to card: Card is invalid or cannot be handled"
> Any ideas?

Please, do not use pastebin.com or another such service. Your trace
will be lost when the service is stopped/purged/whatever. Just attach
the trace to your email.

Please, give us a bit more information like the card name you are using.
Your card is unknown to me


PS: to the OpenSC members, don't we have a description of what is
needed when reporting a problem?
I could not find it on the wiki.

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
opensc-devel mailing list

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