Dear all,

We are happy to announce the birth of a new project, OpenSC QA farm.

The letters "QA" stand for Quality Assurance. The goal of the project is
to offer OpenSC a fully automated testing environment to:

1) Publish a proven list of OpenSC working hardware.
2) Detect malfunctioning of OpenSC drivers on any known hardware running
daily regression tests.
3) Offer non-biased analysis of hardware/software, open to all
vendors/individuals and FREE of charge. We agree to never charge
anything, as this project is funded by GOOZE for the OpenSC community.
4) Provide package builder features for Viktor's farm. We
support Windows x32, x64, Mac OS X flavors 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7, Debian
and Ubuntu flavors and RPM distros for x32, x64 and ARM9.
5) Unleash creativity in the OpenSC community. We need tools to migrate
OpenSC to a more bazar-style development and still maintain quality. As
opposed to cathedral development style and peer review, which relies on
human interaction and does not work 365x24x60.

At software level, we will be using Jenkins framework, with open access
to anyone. Our farm offers:
* A 10mb leased satellite line, DSL backup.
* Two 42U size large cabinets. The first one is installed. The second
one is being delivered.
* At least 6 dedicated servers running on electrical backup. All
hardware is managed remotely using IPMI, giving access to hot and cold
reset. All systems are encrypted.
* At first, we have a testing capacity of 28 devices. A device can be a
USB reader with smartcard and/or a USB token. We use professional USB
hubs in 1U racks. But we plan to be able to test 64 devices on the same
machine. Of course, with two large 42U cabinets, we may extend to more
devices but I don't know if there are so many compliant hardware.

The first photos of the farm can be seen here:

The project will also be open-source and anyone may:

* Submit regression/testing code for OpenSC. This shall include OpenSC
commands, but also interoperability with OSes and third party tools like
OpenVPN, Firefox, etc ... We will open a project on GIThub for that.

A very simple example of a script is here:

* Donate us hardware for installation on the farm. We are looking for
any kind of OpenSC compatible hardware, especially smartcards or USB
tokens. Please do not send smartcard readers, as we have a bunch of them
and they work very well.

To make a hardware donation, please send your hardware to GOOZE:

Jean-Michel POURE
17 rue Saint Jacques
95160 Montmorency

Our farm will be fully running with Jenkins in 2 weeks. Any donation
will be installed and available online ASAP. Don't hesitate to send us
fancy hardware. Drop me an email or a message on the list to announce
your donation.

Let us be free!

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze -

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