Le 26 avril 2012 11:32, helpcrypto helpcrypto <helpcry...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> Report CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH to the application. OpenSC
>> then calls an external lib to do do what is needed to authenticate the
>> user.
>> The external lib can do anything like display a dialog box, talk to
>> the biometric reader, talk to a remote server, etc.
> and what about the library-in-the-middle attack?

See bellow

>> Todo list:
>> - define an API between OpenSC and an external lib
> maybe the readers have many different system of autehtication (pin,
> biometric, "on the fly /time generated")
> I have to think this twice.

The only information needed by OpenSC is a boolean: did the
authentication succeeded?

>> - define a configuration to tell OpenSC to use an external lib
> and, what if i edit your current config and replace the lib with my
> modified evil lib?

The config file should be secured by the file access rights.
/etc/opensc/opensc.conf is owned by root with no write access for
normal users.

If you can edit a root file you can do anything much more evil.

>> I don't know how/if OpenSC can know the smart card reader is
>> biometric. I have not seen any thing like that in PC/SC.
> neither I.
> what about something like "declaring reader features" ?
> If the reader support extended apdus, then EXTENDED_APDU_SUPPORT flag is set.
> What do you think of BIOMETRIC_SUPPORT / EXTERNAL_LOGIN_SUPPORT? to know that?
> have this been discussed (improve readers feature info on PCSC wg?)

Biometric do not use PC/SC. PC/SC has no use of biometric.

If a biometric lib is configured in OpenSC then OpenSC should query
the lib to know if the/a connected reader is biometric or not.


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau
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