See below...

-----Original Message-----
From: Douglas E. Engert [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:27 PM
To: Witvliet, J, CDC/IV/DCOPS/I&S/HIN
Subject: Re: [opensc-devel] encrypt / decrypt


> -----Original Message-----
> No, the aspect of using a symmetric key didn't slip my mind.
> That very well when encrypting large amount of data...
> But when the symmetric key is large (compared to the data), then the overhead 
> does not justify the means. (I think)
> And you have to transfer the encrypted key as well as the encrypted data.

How short are these messages?

Using PKCS#11 CKM_RSA_X_509, the size of the message must be less then the size 
the modulus and if using some padded version between 11 bytes less and maybe 
the size of the modulus.

Using RSA directly of a previously sent message will produce the same encrypted
output which could be subject examination or re-play.

Smime and CMS avoid many of these security issues and others.
-----Original Message-----

Ok Douglas,

Regarding sizes, they vary between 32B and 1KB.

Had a look at openssl smime..
Encryption seems no problem:
OpenSSL> smime -encrypt -in /root/data.txt -out  /root/data.enc  hwit-43.pem

But (returning to the original subject) how to specify the private key on the 
OpenSSL> engine dynamic -pre SO_PATH:/usr/lib/engines/  -pre 
ID:pkcs11 -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD -pre MODULE_PATH:/usr/lib/ 
(dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
[Success]: SO_PATH:/usr/lib/engines/
[Success]: ID:pkcs11
[Success]: LIST_ADD:1
[Success]: LOAD
[Success]: MODULE_PATH:/usr/lib/
Loaded: (pkcs11) pkcs11 engine

OpenSSL> smime -decrypt -in /root/data.enc -out /root/data.dec -engine  pkcs11 
-keyform  ENGINE
error in smime
No recipient certificate or key specified

OpenSSL> smime -decrypt -in /root/data.enc -out /root/data.dec -engine  pkcs11 
-keyform  ENGINE -inkey 43
engine "pkcs11" set.
Invalid slot number: 0
PKCS11_get_private_key returned NULL
cannot load signing key file from engine 2771:error:26096080:engine 
routines:ENGINE_load_private_key:failed loading private key:eng_pkey.c:126:
unable to load signing key file
error in smime

while  pkcs11-tool -O ... shows
Private Key Object; RSA
  label:      Vertrouwelijkheid
  ID:         43
  Usage:      decrypt, unwrap

Even though I specified to use the pkcs-engine, it still seems to look for a 
file for the key.
Same if I specify: "-inkey id_43"


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