On 8/23/2012 5:21 AM, j.witvl...@mindef.nl wrote:
> See below...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas E. Engert [mailto:deeng...@anl.gov]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:27 PM
> To: Witvliet, J, CDC/IV/DCOPS/I&S/HIN
> Cc: opensc-devel@lists.opensc-project.org
> Subject: Re: [opensc-devel] encrypt / decrypt
> [SNIP]
>> -----Original Message-----
>> No, the aspect of using a symmetric key didn't slip my mind.
>> That very well when encrypting large amount of data...
>> But when the symmetric key is large (compared to the data), then the 
>> overhead does not justify the means. (I think)
>> And you have to transfer the encrypted key as well as the encrypted data.
> How short are these messages?
> Using PKCS#11 CKM_RSA_X_509, the size of the message must be less then the 
> size of
> the modulus and if using some padded version between 11 bytes less and maybe 
> half
> the size of the modulus.
> Using RSA directly of a previously sent message will produce the same 
> encrypted
> output which could be subject examination or re-play.
> Smime and CMS avoid many of these security issues and others.
> -----Original Message-----
> Ok Douglas,
> Regarding sizes, they vary between 32B and 1KB.
> Had a look at openssl smime..
> Encryption seems no problem:
> OpenSSL> smime -encrypt -in /root/data.txt -out  /root/data.enc  hwit-43.pem
> But (returning to the original subject) how to specify the private key on the 
> card?
> OpenSSL> engine dynamic -pre SO_PATH:/usr/lib/engines/engine_pkcs11.so  -pre 
> ID:pkcs11 -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD -pre 
> MODULE_PATH:/usr/lib/libaetpkss.so.3.0
> (dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
> [Success]: SO_PATH:/usr/lib/engines/engine_pkcs11.so
> [Success]: ID:pkcs11
> [Success]: LIST_ADD:1
> [Success]: LOAD
> [Success]: MODULE_PATH:/usr/lib/libaetpkss.so.3.0
> Loaded: (pkcs11) pkcs11 engine
> OpenSSL>
> OpenSSL> smime -decrypt -in /root/data.enc -out /root/data.dec -engine  
> pkcs11 -keyform  ENGINE
> error in smime
> No recipient certificate or key specified
> [Understandable...]
> OpenSSL> smime -decrypt -in /root/data.enc -out /root/data.dec -engine  
> pkcs11 -keyform  ENGINE -inkey 43
> engine "pkcs11" set.
> Invalid slot number: 0
> PKCS11_get_private_key returned NULL
> cannot load signing key file from engine 2771:error:26096080:engine 
> routines:ENGINE_load_private_key:failed loading private key:eng_pkey.c:126:
> unable to load signing key file
> error in smime
> while  pkcs11-tool -O ... shows
> ...
> Private Key Object; RSA
>    label:      Vertrouwelijkheid
>    ID:         43
>    Usage:      decrypt, unwrap
> ...
> Even though I specified to use the pkcs-engine, it still seems to look for a 
> file for the key.
> Same if I specify: "-inkey id_43"

This sounds like a slot issue, and you may need to try -inkey slot_1-id_43

You may also want to try using the OpenSC pkcs11-spy to print out the PKCS#11 
since you are using your own /usr/lib/libaetpkss.so.3.0 and it may be handling 
the slot
differently the opensc-pkccs11.so does.

Something like :


export PKCS11SPY

openssl << EOT
engine dynamic -vvvv -pre SO_PATH:$OPENSC_ENGINE/engines/engine_pkcs11.so -pre 
ID:pkcs11 -pre NO_VCHECK:1 -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD  -pre MODULE_PATH:$MODULE

smime -decrypt -in /root/data.enc -out /root/data.dec -engine  pkcs11 -keyform  
ENGINE -inkey slot_1-id_43


> Hans
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  Douglas E. Engert  <deeng...@anl.gov>
  Argonne National Laboratory
  9700 South Cass Avenue
  Argonne, Illinois  60439
  (630) 252-5444

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